

AAPIFSA (Asian American Pacific Islander Faculty Staff Association) was founded as the Asian Faculty Staff Association in 1993 by Dr. Ellen Junn, then an Assistant Professor in the College of Human Development and Community Service. As a new faculty member, having come to campus in 1991, she recruited senior faculty member, Craig Ihara, to lend his support.  In the spring semester of 1993 they sent out a memo to all API faculty and staff on campus and invited those interested in forming an Asian faculty staff association to an initial meeting.  At least 40 faculty and staff came to that first meeting.  Ellen Junn was selected as the first president and a committee was formed to draft by-laws for the organization.            

Since that time AAPIFSA members (the name was formally changed in fall 2007) have joined to build an API community on campus.  It has supported API students both through scholarships and financial support for various API activities, including the annual API Graduation Recognition Ceremony.  AAPIFSA recognizes and takes pride in the growing numbers of Asian and Pacific islanders who work at Cal State Fullerton and strives to mentor new API faculty and staff and to maintain a supportive API community.  

AAPIFSA is led by a group of officers elected annually by the membership.  At monthly meetings and in various committees social and other activities are planned for the academic year.  To join, find out more, or to donate to the organization click on other links on this web site.