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Founder's Corner

The Beginning of AAPIFSA

By Craig Ihara

In the spring of 1993, I received a call from Ellen Junn, a faculty new to campus then, but who is now President of CSU Stanislaus. Because I was Asian American and had already been at CSUF for 20 years, she asked whether I would be interested in helping her establish an Asian Faculty Staff Association on campus (originally AFSA, now AAPIFSA). She felt that API on campus needed a way of connecting with one another and to build a sense of community.

I agreed and we called a meeting that spring where 40-50 interested faculty and staff turned up. That was the beginning. Ellen was the first president, and I was the first Vice-President. Somewhere in my files, I must have a list of all the original officers

As an organization completely dependent on volunteers, it has always been a challenge to offer enough events to establish that sense of connection. This spring we are trying something new that does not involve the planning, preparation, and cost that almost every other event requires. This spring interested members can “drop-in” for lunch at Club 57 every Thursday between 11:30 and 1:00. Bring your own lunch or support Club 57 whenever you can and whenever you are so inclined. Satoko Kakihara and/or I will be there every Thursday, so look for us or for an AAPIFSA sign. We look forward to seeing you!