Subcommittee 3: Faculty and Pedagogy 

Subcommittee Members

Subcommittee Charge

The Faculty and Pedagogy Subcommittee was charged with preparing responses to the following questions: Who will teach? How will we support faculty to provide high quality learning opportunities for our students throughout their careers?

Conversation prompts: Thinking about who will teach could include looking at issues of faculty diversity, including international faculty, contingent faculty, and faculty of color; the role of graduate assistants; concerns about tenure-track density and hiring plans; and the relative proportion of tenure-track/tenured faculty and contingent faculty.

The analysis also could examine the fundamental question of what we mean by teacher-scholar at Cal State Fullerton. What should be the mix of teaching, scholarship, and service? How can we foster teacher-scholars at Cal State Fullerton?

As for how we will we support faculty to provide evidence-based high quality learning opportunities for our students, the subcommittee could consider the delivery of teaching: mix of face‐to‐face, hybrid, and online courses; faculty development support; high-impact teaching practices; course redesign; and workloads, among many other issues.

Resources Reviewed

Question 1: Who Will Teach?

Issues in Committee Charge: Faculty diversity, including international faculty, contingent faculty, and faculty of color; the role of graduate assistants; concerns about tenure-track density and hiring plans; and the relative proportion of tenure-track/tenured faculty and contingent faculty.

1. Campus Data
     a. CSUF Office of Institutional Research and Analytical Studies
          i. Faculty headcount and demographics, selected yearsPDF File
     b. CSUF Academic Senate Forum Newsletter
          i. What Should Our Faculty Look Like in 2015?PDF File
          ii. Update on the Five-Year Faculty Hiring InitiativePDF File
          iii. The Transition to Campus for Newly Hired Faculty PDF File

2. Systemwide Data on Tenure Density
     a. Academic Human Resources, CSU System Office
          i. Faculty Employment Trends 2007-2014
     b. CSU Statistical Handbook
          i. Percent CSU Faculty Tenured 1967-2009 PDF File

3. National Data
     a. National Center for Education Statistics
          i. Digest of Education Statistics 2013. Chapter 3. Postsecondary education (see section on “Faculty, Staff, and Salaries”)
          ii. Table 316.80 Percentage of full-time instructional faculty with tenure for degree-granting postsecondary institutions with a tenure system, by academic rank, sex, and control and level of institution: Selected years, 1993-94 through 2011-12
     b. The Delphi Project on the Changing Faculty and Student Success
          i. Kezar, A., & Maxey, D. (2015, June). Adapting by design: Faculty roles and defining faculty work to ensure and intentional future for colleges and universities.PDF File

4. AMP 3 Work Products on Who Will Teach
     a. Notes on public comprehensive university PDF File
     b. Faculty Gains and Losses Table, 2006-2015.PDF File This table shows the number of tenured/tenure-track faculty joining and leaving CSUF annually.
     c. Annual Faculty Hires Needed Based on FTES Growth and Tenure Density.PDF File This graphic provides estimates of the number of tenure-track recruitments needed to reach various levels of tenure density based on 0, 1%, 2%, or 3% enrollment growth.

Last updated July 12, 2017