Academic Master Plan Updates
Select Progress Reports Below
Progress Report # 11 (Dec. 8, 2016)
Dear Colleagues,
We are very pleased to announce that on Monday, President García signed the final version of the Academic Master Plan, and earlier today, the Academic Senate formally received the document.
This concludes the work of the AMP Committee, which has spent the last year and a half deeply engaged in the research, discussions, drafting, and revising that have been involved in the creation of the final document. Please join us in thanking all the members of the AMP Steering Committee and subcommittees for their tremendous hard work. Thank you, as well, to everyone who read and responded to various drafts throughout the process; your feedback directly contributed to shaping the document into its final form.
We will be updating the AMP website in the coming weeks and months; in the meantime, you please read the final AMP , also available on the “Drafts” page.
Here’s wishing you the best for the holiday season.
Emily Bonney, Ph.D.
Chair of the Academic Senate
Co-Chair of the Academic Master Plan Steering Committee
Associate Professor of Liberal Studies
Anil K. Puri, Ph.D.
Co-Chair of the Academic Master Plan Steering Committee
Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Professor of Economics
Progress Report # 10 (Oct. 26, 2016)
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to share the third complete draft of the Academic Master Plan (AMP), which has been revised and refined during the first part of the fall semester. You can find the document on the AMP website on the “Drafts” tab.
The AMP will be on the agenda for the Academic Senate meeting on November 3, where we welcome discussion by and input from the campus community. You are also encouraged to share your thoughts via the “Join the Conversation” tab on the website.
We are very grateful for the hard work that has been done by the members of the four AMP subcommittees, who have dedicated a great deal of time and energy into the development of the AMP. We look forward to a thoughtful discussion at Academic Senate and to receiving additional feedback via the website.
Emily Bonney, Ph.D.
Chair of the Academic Senate
Co-Chair of the Academic Master Plan Steering Committee
Associate Professor of Liberal Studies
Anil K. Puri, Ph.D.
Co-Chair of the Academic Master Plan Steering Committee
Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Professor of Economics
Progress Report # 9 (Oct. 10, 2016)
Dear Colleagues,
Last Friday, the AMP Steering Committee gathered to review newly revised drafts submitted by each of the four subcommittees. Guided by the steering committee’s feedback, we are now in the process of integrating and updating the subcommittees’ drafts into a single revised AMP document, which we plan to share with the campus for feedback by the end of October. The AMP will also be on the agenda for the Academic Senate meeting on November 3.
We encourage you to continue sharing your input via the AMP website.
Emily Bonney, Ph.D.
Chair of the Academic Senate
Co-Chair of the Academic Master Plan Steering Committee
Associate Professor of Liberal Studies
Anil K. Puri, Ph.D.
Co-Chair of the Academic Master Plan Steering Committee
Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Professor of Economics
Progress Report # 8 (Sept. 19, 2016)
Dear Colleagues,
With the start of the semester, work on the Academic Master Plan has begun again in earnest. The steering committee and subcommittees have all held kickoff meetings for the semester, and the feedback that has been provided by the campus community is proving invaluable as the AMP Committee moves forward with the next stage of development for the AMP. We will share the results of these efforts with the campus for additional feedback during the semester.
Additionally, given the changes in Academic Affairs personnel since spring and the graduation of several student subcommittee members, the membership of the AMP Steering Committee and subcommittees has been updated; current lists may now be viewed on the AMP website.
We plan to send regular progress reports throughout the semester to keep you apprised of our efforts. We encourage you to continue sharing your input at any time via the “Join the Conversation” tab on the website.
Emily Bonney, Ph.D.
Chair of the Academic Senate
Co-Chair of the Academic Master Plan Steering Committee
Associate Professor of Liberal Studies
Anil K. Puri, Ph.D.
Co-Chair of the Academic Master Plan Steering Committee
Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Professor of Economics
Progress Report # 7 (Aug. 17, 2016)
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that the second draft of the Academic Master Plan is available for review and comment on the AMP website.
This document integrates the draft narratives prepared by the four subcommittees following the Academic Affairs/Academic Senate spring retreat into a single complete draft of the AMP. We invite you to review the draft and submit your comments, questions, and observations as provided for on the website.
The subcommittees will resume their work in September, and the goal as per the original timeline is to have a final draft completed by December 2016. We look forward to hearing from you as we continue this important process.
Emily Bonney, Ph.D.
Chair of the Academic Senate
Co-Chair of the Academic Master Plan Steering Committee
Associate Professor of Liberal Studies
Anil K. Puri, Ph.D.
Co-Chair of the Academic Master Plan Steering Committee
Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Professor of Economics
Progress Report # 6 (April 29, 2016)
Dear Colleagues,
We are very pleased to share the first draft of the Academic Master Plan with the Cal State Fullerton campus community. We encourage you to read through the materials at the link below, and if you have additional thoughts to share, please use the links for each subcommittee to submit your comments. You may also share general comments on the overall development of the AMP under the “General Comments” section of the site.
The First Draft tab provides access to draft outlines summarizing each subcommittee’s narrative as well as all feedback that has been received thus far, including comments submitted online and reflections from the Academic Affairs/Academic Senate retreat held earlier this spring. Please note that you will need to have a campus IP address in order to view the First Draft tab; if you would like to review the site from off-campus, you will need a VPN connection. The original source material for the comments from the retreat and the retreat documents can be found at the Academic Senate website.
A full first draft narrative for each subcommittee will be shared in May, and the AMP subcommittees will continue to revise these narratives based on the input received so far and any additional comments that come in the rest of the spring and during the summer. The second official draft of the AMP will be a fully integrated document in narrative form and will be shared with the campus in the fall.
Thank you once again for your engagement in this important process, and we look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Emily Bonney, Ph.D.
Chair of the Academic Senate
Co-Chair of the Academic Master Plan Steering Committee
Associate Professor of Liberal Studies
José L. Cruz, Ph.D.
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Co-Chair of the Academic Master Plan Steering Committee
Professor of Computer Engineering
Progress Report # 5 (Jan. 28, 2016)
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to share that the development of Cal State Fullerton’s Academic Master Plan continues to progress, with our four AMP subcommittees hard at work on their respective drafts. We are currently on track to share their complete drafts with the campus community in April, at which point we will also be able to offer a public threaded forum to promote open dialogue and capture responses from the campus.
In the meantime, we are grateful for the thoughtful input that has been shared via the AMP website so far, and we encourage everyone who has not had a chance to submit feedback to do so at
Attached are the notes from the AMP Steering Committee’s November and December meetings. For more meeting notes, agendas, resources, and materials related to the development of the AMP, please visit the AMP website.
Emily Bonney, Ph.D.
Chair of the Academic Senate
Co-Chair of the Academic Master Plan Steering Committee
Associate Professor of Liberal Studies
José L. Cruz, Ph.D.
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Co-Chair of the Academic Master Plan Steering Committee
Professor of Computer Engineering
Progress Report # 4 (Dec. 4, 2015)
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the launch of the Academic Master Plan website, which includes comprehensive information about each of the subcommittees, agendas, meeting minutes, supporting documents, and meeting dates and locations, as well as an FAQ page to help clarify and explain the role of the Academic Master Plan and its relationship to other planning documents and conversations.
Additionally, on the “Join the Conversation” tab, you will find the materials and resources each subcommittee has surfaced and is using to inform their discussions as they come up with draft responses to the fundamental questions they have been charged with addressing. We welcome your thoughts and input on these materials as well as the other information available on the AMP website; please share your feedback online via the link posted on the “Join the Conversation” tab. The feedback survey will remain open throughout the rest of the process for the drafting of the AMP.
You can visit the AMP website.
We look forward to hearing your thoughts and comments on the work done so far by the AMP Steering Committee and subcommittees, and we wish you all a wonderful holiday season.
Emily Bonney, Ph.D.
Chair of the Academic Senate
Co-Chair of the Academic Master Plan Steering Committee
Associate Professor of Liberal Studies
José L. Cruz, Ph.D.
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Co-Chair of the Academic Master Plan Steering Committee
Professor of Computer Engineering
Progress Report # 3 (Oct. 16, 2015)
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to share the minutes from our September 18 Academic Master Plan Steering Committee meeting . Additionally, below is a list of upcoming meetings—including dates, times, and locations—for each of the four AMP subcommittees as well as the AMP Steering Committee.
The AMP website—where all AMP-related updates, documents, and information will be recorded—is in progress and will go live soon after the next AMP Steering Committee meeting on October 20.
Thank you all for your continued engagement in this important process.
Emily Bonney, Ph.D.
Chair of the Academic Senate
Co-Chair of the Academic Master Plan Steering Committee
Associate Professor of Liberal Studies
José L. Cruz, Ph.D.
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Co-Chair of the Academic Master Plan Steering Committee
Professor of Computer Engineering
Progress Report #2 (Sept. 18, 2015)
Dear colleagues,
The Academic Master Plan (AMP) Steering Committee held our second meeting this morning. As promised, attached are the approved minutes from our meeting on August 26 . We will share the approved minutes from today’s meeting when they have been finalized.
We are pleased to report that based on input from the AMP subcommittees as well as faculty and staff, the steering committee has determined the following:
(1) We will revise and extend the timeline for the development of the AMP through fall 2016 rather than summer 2016, thereby allowing additional time for drafting, revision, and consideration of feedback from the campus community.
(2) We will expand the membership of the subcommittees to ensure wider faculty representation. Specifically, we will include faculty members from ARTS, COMM, EDU, and HHD on Subcommittee 2: Students; faculty members from COMM, ECS, and HSS on Subcommittee 3: Faculty and Pedagogy; and faculty members from ARTS, COMM, and NSM on Subcommittee 4: Infrastructure and Resources.
(3) We will flesh out a document that outlines the method that will be used to (a) gather the input of the subcommittees and the campus community, and (b) review drafts to ensure the integration of that input throughout the process. We will also continue to think through how to ensure that the voices of all constituencies are incorporated into the process.
As part of our communications plan, we will be posting the final minutes from all steering committee meetings, updates on progress, and feedback forms on the AMP website, which will go live shortly.
We look forward to continued collaboration with all of you on the work ahead.
Emily Bonney, Ph.D.
Chair of the Academic Senate
Co-Chair of the Academic Master Plan Steering Committee
Associate Professor of Liberal Studies
José L. Cruz, Ph.D.
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Co-Chair of the Academic Master Plan Steering Committee
Professor of Computer Engineering
Progress Report #1 (Sept. 15, 2015)
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to report that the Academic Master Plan (AMP) steering committee held its kickoff meeting on August 26, during which we discussed the timeline and charges for the four AMP subcommittees. Once the minutes from that meeting are approved, we will share them and any pertinent supporting documents with the campus community. Our next meeting is scheduled for October 20. In the meantime, we take this opportunity to share some important points regarding the work that lies ahead.
First, per the approved framework document circulated yesterday by President García, the members of the AMP steering committee and subcommittees have been charged with developing draft responses to the fundamental questions identified in that document. Each subcommittee will function independently from the steering committee, developing its own timeline and implementing strategies for obtaining campus input as work on the draft progresses. The steering committee, drawing on these responses, will create a draft AMP and share that document in spring 2016 with the entire campus community for comment. Because the strength of the AMP depends on the thoughtfulness of the discussions that follow the release of the draft, the steering committee has tried to build in adequate time for those conversations.
Second, the steering committee is developing a communications plan to ensure transparency at all points in the development of the AMP and to encourage broad participation and engagement with the process. As a separate, but important, part of this effort, the provost will continue to visit faculty meetings to provide updates on the process, respond to any questions that may arise, and collect recommendations to take back to the steering committee.
These steps forward build on the framework for drafting our campus-wide Academic Master Plan approved by President García and on principles of shared governance so important to this campus. The framework evolved through a highly consultative process adopted in response to a recommendation from our University’s Planning, Resources, and Budget Committee (PRBC) and ultimately was recommended for approval by the President’s Advisory Board. That process included a request for comments that was circulated to the entire campus community in March 2015 and various updates on the progress of the development of the framework. Over the summer the provost and the chair of the Academic Senate recommended increasing the number of faculty on the subcommittees and appointing members of the Senate Executive Committee to serve as co-chairs of the four subcommittees. The provost and the chair of the Academic Senate further collaborated in identifying the faculty for the subcommittees in consultation with the Academic Senate Executive Committee and the deans of the colleges. Now the work begins.
We very much look forward to working with you as this important process moves forward.
Emily Bonney, Ph.D.
Chair of the Academic Senate
Co-Chair of the Academic Master Plan Steering Committee
Associate Professor of Liberal Studies
José L. Cruz, Ph.D.
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Co-Chair of the Academic Master Plan Steering Committee
Professor of Computer Engineering
President's Announcement (Sept. 14, 2015)
Dear Cal State Fullerton faculty, staff, and administrators,
As heralded in my convocation speech on August 17, I am pleased to inform you that the process for developing the University’s Academic Master Plan (AMP) is underway. The AMP—the first in Cal State Fullerton’s history—will keep the University on track to achieve our strategic goals by answering, among many other questions: What will we teach? Whom will we teach? Who will teach? How will we teach? How well will we teach? Completion of the AMP is expected in summer 2016, and progress reports on its development will be shared with the campus community.
To guide the development of the AMP, I have appointed a steering committee as well as four subcommittees; altogether, the AMP Committee is comprised of 69 diverse members of the campus community. Membership on the steering committee and the subcommittees is based on recommendations from your University colleagues and peers. Provost José L. Cruz and Academic Senate Chair Emily Bonney will co-chair the AMP Steering Committee. I have also appointed co-chairs of the AMP’s subcommittees. The first meeting of the steering committee was Wednesday, August 26, 2015. In the coming weeks, subcommittee co-chairs will convene the first meeting of their respective subcommittees to plan the next steps. Composition of the steering committee and subcommittees is provided below.
The AMP framework document, which is attached, asserts: “faced with a shifting landscape of challenges in the field of higher education—including access and completion, college cost and affordability, and public questions about the value of a college education—Cal State Fullerton will need both map and compass to maintain and assert the vitality of our institution and mission. Together, the Strategic Plan and the AMP will keep the University’s course true,” and will further advance our University’s vision of becoming the model comprehensive public university in the nation.
Mildred García