What is Performance Assessment

What is Performance Assessment

Performance assessment is the systematic collection, review, and use of qualitative and quantitative data to improve unit operation and practices. Simply speaking, assessment answers three questions:

  1. what are our expectations for the functioning of units and the services they provide?
  2. how well do our units’ performance match the expectations?
  3.  what we can do to improve operations so that they meet the expectations?

What is NOT Performance Assessment

Performance Assessment is NOT... Because...
Staff Performance Evaluation Performance assessment is focused on operations of the entire unit, not individual staff performance. Assessment data are used to monitor how well the unit is meeting stakeholders’ needs and expectations, to identify successful practices or areas needing improvement, and to guide evidence-based decision making.
Empirical Research Performance assessment follows the same systematic process of collecting, analyzing and corroborating data from multiple sources that is fundamental in empirical research. However, the primary concern of assessment is not to produce generalizable results or contribute to theory development. The goal of assessment is to monitor and improve unit operation and effectiveness. Unlike most empirical research, the assessment data are communicated quickly back to the “participants” of the assessment process, and are used to make timely changes to their practices.
Someone else’s job Performance assessment should be an integral component of unit operations. Assessment is a collaborative effort that involves staff (the critical support that facilitates the assessment process), administration (the institutional support and oversight), and stakeholders (the primary groups of individuals to whom the unit provides services and/or those who benefit from the services, such as students, faculty, staff, parents, employers, community organization, etc.). Assessment cannot be done in isolation by a few individuals.