Geology Students’ Ability to Produce and Interpret a Geological Cross-Section

Step 1: Student Learning Outcome

Produce and interpret a geological cross-section.

Step 2: Methods and Measure

Direct Assessment:  Capstone project (GEOL 380)

Students collect data over three weekends and construct a geological map based on the data. Based on their map, students construct a cross-sectional view and write a report to explain their interpretation of the area's geological history.

Capstone Project grade sheet example:

 Indirect Assessment: Student self-evaluation surveysStudents self-evaluate their learning and self-assess in GEOL 380 and GEOL 481.Example Survey  Step 3: Criteria for Success Direct Assessment: (Capstone project) 80% of the students earn a C or better.Indirect Assessment:  Survey (GEOL 380) 80% of the students score a 9 or better out of a high score of 12. Student Self-Assessment (GEOL 481) 80% of the students earn a C or better.Step 4: Results Direct Assessment: GEOL 380 Marble Mountain’s project: 94% of students (n=20) earned a 73% (C) or better. Assessment was met and successful for this direct measurement.Indirect Assessment: All GEOL 380 students surveyed their learning: 74% of students (n=20) earned a 9 or higher. Assessment was not met and thus unsuccessful for this indirect measurement. Students are not confident in their abilities; however their grades reflect proficiency. (Data for GEOL 481 was not collected in this round of assessment as the course completed beyond this reporting period.)Step 5: Improvement ActionsThe program indicated that to boost students' confidence level, professors will provide timely and more detailed comments to the students on all course projects. To help gauge students' perception, the GEOL 380 survey will be administered mid-semester and the professor will adjust assignments accordingly. 

Marble Mountains Cross Section Grade Sheet Possible Points
Map (22%) Contact/Faults Accuracy 50
Altitudes 20
Presentation/Layout/Neatness 10
Field Stations (field map) 10
Explanation 10
Total (100)  
Cross Section (22%) Accuracy/Interpretation/Matches Map 80
Neatness/Presentation 20
Total (100)  
Stratigraphic Column Section (17%) Descriptions 50
Column (symbols, sed structures, etc.) 30
Layout/Neatness 20
Total (100)  
Notebook (17%) Content 60
Neatness/legibility/organization 40
Total (100)  
Report (22%) Introduction 10
Stratigraphy/Map Units 20
Structure 20
Geologic History 20
Presentation/Overall Writing Quality 20
Use of figures 10
Total (100)  
GEOL 380 Survey (high score = 12; low score =3) very well (4) somewhat well (3) not very well (2)  not at all (1)  
Can you produce a geological cross-section?  
How confident are you in your geological interpretation of your cross-section?  
Could you explain what a geological cross-section is to your non-geologist roommate/friend? `