2007-2009 Catalog
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International Programs

Students pose in front of Asian-style structure

International Opportunities for Students
International Agreements

Robert (Ray) Young

McCarthy Hall 111

"We are a comprehensive, regional university with a global outlook."
– Preface, University Mission Statement

To implement that mission statement, California State University Fullerton (CSUF) encourages and supports off-campus international educational programs as well as welcoming the on-campus participation of international visitors, scholars, and international students as valid, desired, and increasingly important aspects of our mission as a regional university with a global outlook. The university encourages its constituent departments, programs, and support units to plan and provide opportunities that meet the academic and professional needs of students, faculty, and staff.

The Office of Academic Programs, in cooperation with the Office of International Education and Exchange, coordinates all aspects of this commitment to academic internationalization. Specifically, the associate vice president for Academic Programs is responsible for overseeing and encouraging the internationalization of the curriculum. Toward this end, contacts are initiated with sister institutions throughout the world to foster cooperative programs and the exchange of faculty and students.

Faculty who are interested in exchange programs or in developing partnerships abroad should consult www.fullerton.edu/AcademicPrograms/ and click on the “International Partnerships” tab. Also, visit www.fullerton.edu/world for additional information.

Cal State Fullerton students should consult with their departmental or college-level program advisers for information about specific universities with whom we have exchange partnerships and/or special summer or short term study abroad experiences. To ensure adequate support services and to review potential transferability of academic credits, please consult with the Study Abroad Office which is located in the Office of International Education and Exchange (University Hall - 244).

Current California State University Fullerton students planning to study abroad should consult http://www.fullerton.edu/StudyAbroad/.

Incoming students from other nations must work through the University’s Office of Admissions and Records if applying for degree program. Students may also gain entry by working with the American Language Program. Please review the applicable Catalog sections about these offices under the heading Admission Requirements.

Similar to most other universities in the United States, Cal State Fullerton also fosters a global outlook by establishing and maintaining official relationships with universities abroad. A growing list included 61 institutional-level agreements as of spring 2007, a number that is sure to grow in the ensuing months and years. Some relationships between our university and non-U.S. institutions feature reciprocal short-term faculty exchanges; the exchange of lecturers, delegations, cultural groups, and artists; or agreements whereby our university may temporarily hire needed faculty from non-U.S. universities. Other agreements between our university and non-U.S. institutions facilitate the enrollment of students from abroad who wish to take short courses, study for a degree, or undertake research with the guidance and direction of our faculty.

Cal State Fullerton’s oldest institutional relationship, begun in 1984, is with Fudan University in Shanghai, China. Each June a CSUF delegation is hosted by Fudan University; CSUF welcomes a professor from Fudan University each year; and a variety of other exchanges occur from time to time.

Active international agreements with universities abroad included the following partners:


Curtin University
University of New England


Universidade Federal Fluminense
Universidade Federal de Paraiba


Pannasastra University of Cambodia


Central University for Nationalities
Central South University of Technology
Fudan University
Guizhou College of Finance & Economics
Hubei Institute for Nationalities
Northwest University
South China Normal University
University of Hong Kong S.P.A.C.E.
Hunan University
Nanjing Xiaozhuang College
Shanghai University
Shanghai University of Science & Technology
Tibet University
Xiamen University


Universidad del Pacifico


Ahram Canadian University
University of Alexandria


Lapeenranta University of Technology


Ceram Sophia Antipolis
University of Paris


Karlsruhe University
Fachhochschule der Bundesanstalt fur Arbeit
Nuertingen-Geislingen University
The Friedrich-Alexander University
University of Applied Science, Heidelberg


University of Delhi


Universitas Diponegoro
Parahyangan Catholic University


Nanzan University
Okayama University
Jin-Ai University


Inha University
Korea University
Kangnam University
Kookmin University
Anyang University
Sungsim Junior College of Foreign Languages


Kaunas University of Technology


Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara
Universidad Autonoma de Tiaxcala


Escuela de Administracion de Negocios de Educacion Superior


Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola


Southern Taiwan University of Technology
Chung Hua University
National Taitung University
College of Management, National Sun Yat-sen University
Diwan University


Chiang Mai University
Khon Kaen University
National institute of Development Administration

United Kingdom

Royal Holloway and Bedford College-University of London
Trinity College


Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City
Vietnam National University, Hanoi
Hanoi University of Foreign Studies, Hanoi
Hue University
The National Economics University
University of Economics

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