California State University, Fullerton

Application Procedures

Students by a tent

Requirements for admission to Cal State Fullerton are in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 1, Subchapter 3, of the California Code of Regulations. If you are not sure of these requirements, you should consult a high school or community college counselor or the Admissions Office.

Electronic versions of the CSU undergraduate and graduate applications are accessible on the Web at http://www.csumentor.ed. The CSUMentor system allows students to browse through general information about CSU’s 23 campuses, view multimedia campus presentations, send and receive electronic responses to specific questions, and apply for admission and financial aid.

Applying online via is expected unless electronic submission is impossible, when online applications have been submitted. Application in “hard copy” form may be obtained online via as a portable data format (PDF). Paper applications may be mailed to the campus admission office.

The CSU advises prospective students that they must supply complete and accurate information on the application for admission, residence questionnaire and financial aid forms. Further, applicants must when requested submit authentic and official transcripts of all previous academic work attempted. Failure to file complete, accurate and authentic application documents may result in denial of admission, cancellation of academic credit, suspension or expulsion (Section 41301 of Title 5, California Code of Regulations).

Prospective students, applying for part-time or full-time undergraduate programs of study, in day or evening classes, must file a complete application as described in the undergraduate admissions booklet or at The $55 nonrefundable application fee should be in the form of a check or money order payable to The California State University.

You may also choose to pay the application fee by credit card via the electronic application at The application fee may not be transferred or used to apply to another term. The applications of persons denied admission to an impacted campus may be rerouted to another campus, but only if the applicant is CSU eligible.

The university uses the social security number to identify the student for purposes of financial aid eligibility and disbursement and the repayment of financial aid and other debts payable to the institution. Also, the Internal Revenue Service requires the university to file information returns that include the student’s social security number and other information, such as the amount paid for qualified tuition, related expenses and interest on educational loans. That information is used to help determine whether a student, or a person claiming a student as a dependent, may take a credit or deduction to reduce federal income taxes.

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  1. Submit an application via the Web by going to Complete the application, and designate CSU, Fullerton to receive it. Submit it by following directions in the website. By applying electronically, you save time on the processing of your application.
    If applying using a paper application, complete the application for admission within the announced filing period accompanied by the required application fee to:

    Office of Admissions and Records
    California State University, Fullerton
    P. O. Box 6900
    Fullerton, California 92834-6900

  2. When asked to do so, request required transcripts of records of all previous scholastic work from each school or college attended. The transcripts required at CSUF are:

    a. for undergraduate applicants with fewer than 60 transferable semester units:

    (1) the high school transcript, and
    (2) an official transcript from each college or university attended.

    b. for undergraduates with 60 or more transferable semester units: an official transcript from each college or university attended.

    c. for graduates:

    1. applicants for unclassified post-baccalaureate standing with no degree or credential objective must submit a transcript from the college or university where the baccalaureate was earned. Further, one transcript from other institutions attended is required as necessary so that the university has a complete record of the last 60 semester units attempted prior to enrollment at Fullerton.

    2. applicants for a master’s degree or teaching credential, or both, must submit two copies of the transcript from each college or university attended.

    Note: In addition, all students should have a personal set of college transcripts for advising purposes. All transcripts must be received directly from the issuing institutions and become official records of the university; such transcripts therefore cannot be returned or reissued. Foreign language transcripts must be accompanied by certified English translations.

  3. All undergraduate students who have completed fewer than 59 semester or 89 quarter units of transferable work are required to submit scores from either one of two national testing programs before eligibility for admission to the university can be determined. Registration forms and test dates for either test may be obtained from school or college counselors, from the address below, or from campus testing offices. For either test, submit the registration form and fee at least one month prior to the test date.

    ACT Address
    American College Testing Program, Inc.
    Registration Unit, P.O. Box 414
    Iowa City, Iowa 52243


    SAT Address
    The College Board (SAT 1)
    Registration Unit, P.O. Box 6200
    Princeton, New Jersey 08541


Applicants to graduate programs must submit the scores of any qualifying examinations required in their prospective programs of study.

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The CSU designates programs to be impacted when more applications are received in the first month of the fall and spring filing period than the spaces available. Some programs are impacted at every campus where they are offered; others are impacted at some campuses but not all. Candidates must meet supplementary admissions criteria if applying to an impacted program.

The CSU will announce with the opening of the fall filing period which programs are impacted for the academic year. Detailed impaction information is available at and via announcement will be published in the CSU Review and made available online at Information about the supplementary criteria is also sent to program applicants.

You must file your application for admission to an impacted program during the first month of the filing period. Further, if you wish to be considered in impacted programs at two or more campuses, you must file an application to each.

Each campus with impacted programs uses supplementary admission criteria in screening applicants. Supplementary criteria may include ranking on the freshman eligibility index, the overall transfer grade point average, completion of specified prerequisite courses and a combination of campus-developed criteria. You are required to submit scores on either the SAT I or ACT and should take the tests no later than November. The supplementary admission criteria used by the individual campuses to screen applicants appear periodically in the CSU Review and are made available by the campuses to applicants who seek admission to an impacted program.

California State University, Fullerton has been declared impacted on the first-time freshman level.

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All graduate and postbaccalaureate applicants (e.g., Ed.D., master’s degree applicants, those seeking credentials, and those interested in taking courses for personal or professional growth) must file a complete graduate application as described in the graduate and postbaccalaureate admission materials. Applicants who completed undergraduate degree requirements and graduated the preceding term are also required to submit an application and the $55 nonrefundable application fee. To be assured of initial consideration by more than one campus, it will be necessary to submit separate applications (including fees) to each. Applications may be obtained from the Graduate Studies Office or the Admissions Office of any California State University campus. An electronic version of the CSU graduate application is available at and is expected unless submission of an electronic application is impossible.

Graduate Application Deadlines
In most cases, applications need to be postmarked no later than March 1 for the fall semester and October 1 for the spring semester. However, deadlines may be changed for individual programs based upon enrollment projections. Check the university graduate studies website for current information,

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Fall Term:
Filing Period Begins: previous October.
Filing Period Duration: until application categories are filled.

Spring Term:
Filing Period Begins: previous August.
Filing Period Duration: until application categories are filled.

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Fall Term:
Admissions categories are subject to closure anytime after November 30.

Spring Term:
Admissions categories are subject to closure anytime after August 31.
Students are encouraged to consult the filing status website at

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On-time applicants may expect to receive an acknowledgment from their first choice campus within several weeks of filing the application. A notice that space has been reserved will also include a request that additional records are necessary for the campus to evaluate academic qualifications. Applicants may be assured of admission if the evaluation of qualifications indicates that applicants meet CSU admission requirements and campus requirements for admission to an impacted program. Such a notice is not transferable to another term or to another campus.

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Fullerton has established procedures to consider qualified applicants who would be faced with an extreme hardship if not admitted. Prospective petitioners should write to the admissions officer and document extenuating circumstances that warrant special consideration.

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The university retains the admissions materials for those who apply, but who for whatever reason do not enroll for two years. For those who do enroll, the university will retain the materials in student folders, including transcripts of the record of work completed elsewhere, for five years beyond the date of last attendance. Records of academic performance at California State University, Fullerton, including individual student records, faculty grade lists, and graduation lists are kept permanently.

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