California State University, Fullerton

Graduate Student Checklist


There may be additional steps for individual students in particular programs; for these, consult the program description and the academic unit (college, department or program) offering the degree program.

= Action initiated by student (as indicated below)
†= Action initiated by the university


 Apply for admission and declare objective(s), using precise codes on the application form.

† Receive application acknowledgement from the Admissions Office.

 Request two sets of official transcripts of all previous college-level coursework attempted be sent to Admissions Office.

† Take tests, if required by program, and order test scores sent to Cal State Fullerton, designating appropriate academic unit on the test
registration form.

 Provide the departmental graduate program adviser with any other supporting statements or materials, as required.

† Recommendation for admission made by departmental graduate program adviser to Admissions Office.

† Receive notification of admission from Admissions Office.

 Make an appointment with the graduate program adviser to discuss your academic program. Advisers for each department are listed on the Graduate Studies website.

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 Complete any course prerequisites and/or remove deficiencies.

 Apply for classified standing in the academic department offering the particular program prior to completion of nine units of Study Plan coursework.

 Consult departmental graduate program adviser for advisement, including development of official Study Plan.

 Provide appropriate academic unit with any other supporting statements or materials, as shown in program descriptions in this catalog.

 Take tests if required by program, and order test scores sent to Cal State Fullerton, designating appropriate academic unit on the test
registration form.

† Recommendation for classified standing made by graduate program adviser by sending the signed Study Plan to the Graduate Studies Office.

† Notification of classified standing granted is sent to the student from Graduate Studies along with a copy of the approved Study Plan.

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 Apply for graduation prior to the beginning of the final semester. Specific deadlines are listed in the class schedule and posted on the
Graduate Studies website. You may apply for your graduation check online via your Titan Online Student Center. A graduation
and diploma fee is required. You are not required to pay the graduation fee at the time of application for graduation. However, you will be required to pay the graduation fee to Student Financial Services (UH-180) before you can become a candidate for graduation.
Watch your campus e-mail and Student Center To-Do List for information on paying for the graduation check once you have applied.

 Maintain Continuous Enrollment. The Study Plan is valid only as long as a graduate student maintains continuous enrollment in
both the fall and spring semesters until all requirements are completed. Otherwise, it will be necessary to reapply to the university and meet any additional requirements approved in the interim. If you have completed all coursework on the Study Plan but have not satisfactorily completed a project, thesis, comprehensive examination or other requirements, you MUST register and pay fees for
Graduate Studies 700, which carries no credit and does not require attendance.

 Consult the departmental graduate program adviser to confirm final requirements for the degree.

 Complete written and/or oral examination, if required. Complete thesis or project, if applicable.

 Obtain committee approval for thesis, project or results of comprehensive exam(s).

 If applicable, submit thesis to university thesis reader by deadlines listed in the Class Schedule and on the Graduate Studies website.

† Thesis reader signs “Thesis Approval Form.”

 Take approved copy of thesis with “Thesis Approval Form” to the bookstore (Titan Shops Copy Center) and make arrangements
for binding, microfilming and publication. The cost is approximately $200 plus $80 if copyright is desired.

 Final, approved Study Plan, with recommendation, sent by the department graduate program adviser to the Graduate Studies Office.

† A copy of the Grad Check Review Form is sent to the student showing the adviser’s recommendation.
Preliminary audit completed by Graduate Studies Office staff. The student’s Study Plan is checked for pending grades, and completion of any other requirements.

 Deposit approved copy of thesis or project in academic department (if required).

 Complete all general and specific requirements, other than final course examinations, by the last day of classes, in order to assure granting of the degree by the end of the semester.

 Final verification of completion of requirements sent by the Graduate Studies Office staff to the registrar.

† Notification of award of degree received from registrar approximately ten weeks after the end of the semester.

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 Check procedures online for participating in commencement at

 Make appropriate arrangements for cap, gown and hood rental in the campus bookstore.

† Commencement information sent by the College Dean’s office.

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