EPP Exam Information

Information for students:

  • The exam is online and given via Canvas. Questions will become available at the beginning of the exam and you will submit answers via this Canvas webpage (Zoom is not required).


  • The exam is scheduled in two parts (each 3 hours), on two days. Please email the Computer Science Department to schedule your exam.


  • Part 1 is worth 60 points and has 3 problems. Part 2 is worth 40 points and has one problem that requires using data structures from the C++ Standard Library. The passing score is 70. It is a pure programming examination; only minimal partial credit is given for code that does not run.


  • The topics and a sample exam are shown on this page.


  • The exam is open textbooks, open notes. Internet access is allowed to look up reference material but not for copy and paste of any existing solution. Of course, collaboration with anyone is not allowed.


  • The strongly recommended platform is Linux/Tuffix. However, you can use any development environment you want since you will finally be uploading only the .cpp/.h files.


NOTE: The EPP is not a prerequisite to any CPSC class. Please check your TDA to see if the EPP is a graduation requirement under your catalog year. If you have questions as to whether or not the EPP is required of you, please schedule an advising appointment.


Exam Topics:

The exam will cover the following main topics in CPSC 120A/L, 121A/L, and 131. 

  • Program design with pseudocode using modularity and information hiding
  • Program documentation
  • Appropriate use in programs of the following
    • Standard control structures for assignment, selection, repetition
    • Functions
    • Input and output to and from text files
    • Arrays and strings
    • Pointers and dynamic variables
    • Recursion
    • Classes and objects
    • Templates
    • Operator overloading
    • Vectors, lists, stacks, queues, map data structures
    • Use of C++ Standard Library’s data structures  


Sample Exam: 

Sample EPP Part 1 2021 PDF File Opens in new window


IntegerLinkedList.hOpens in new window

IntegerLinkedList.cppOpens in new window

prob1.cppOpens in new window

prob2.cppOpens in new window

prob3.cppOpens in new window


Sample EPP Part 2 2021 PDF File Opens in new window


part2.cppOpens in new window

mario.txtOpens in new window

apex.txtOpens in new window