Placement Exams

In many subjects of study at CSUF, there are multiple classes in which you may begin your studies depending upon your previous experience and studies. The University has developed placement examinations that may be used to determine the best starting point for you. It is essential that you be placed in the right course! Starting out too low where you will not learn anything new is a waste of time. Starting out too high can be frustrating and stressful.

For the Computer Science undergraduate student, there are two important placement exams:

  • Computer Science Placement Examination
  • Mathematics Qualifying Examination

Computer Science Placement Exams

The Computer Science curriculum begins with a three-course sequence, CPSC 120, 121, 131, covering concepts of programming and data structures. You may have gained knowledge of these topics in various ways but have neither formal course to transfer nor AP scores to submit. This exam will validate your knowledge for waiving one or more of these courses. The exam can be taken only once. Test scores are valid for two consecutive semesters. 

There is no fee, and you do not need to pre-register, but picture identification is required.  

If you take the placement exam and receive a waiver in one or more of these courses, you will have to take additional CS elective course(s) to satisfy the 120-units graduation requirement. 

Computer Science Placement Exam is scheduled online as follows: 

Exam Dates Exam Times Location
Spring 2025: Monday, December 16 9:30am Online
Fall 2025: Friday, August 1 9:30am Online

Basic instructions: 

To register for Placement Exam(s), please email Dr. Wenlin Han at 14 days before the exam date with your name, CWID, and tell which exam(s) you will take. 

The Placement test scheduled will be through a virtual Zoom meeting room. The students must show their driver’s licenses before the exam to ID themselves. The exam link will be given before the start time of the test on Zoom. You are required to have the camera turned on.  

Please join the Zoom meeting with the facilitator at 9:15 am to prepare for your test starting at 9:30 am on the date you choose.  

Join Zoom Meeting


For examination policies and results, please contact Dr. Wenlin Han (include your name and CWID).  


Have you taken CPSC 120, 121, 131, or 240 at CSU Fullerton?  

  ❑ Yes -> stop; You are not eligible to take this exam.  

  ❑ No -> continue.  


Option (choose one):  

  ❑ Part I: attempt to test out of 120 only  

·       75 minutes allowed  

·       May use any programming language  

·       Language used: ____________________  


  ❑ Parts I and II: attempt to test out of 120 and 121  

·       120 minutes allowed  

·       Must use C++  

Advanced Placement Examination Scores

If you took the AP Computer Science A the unit and course credits will be applied according to your AP scores as follows:

AP scores
Score Units Credit
3 or 4 3 CPSC 120
5 6 CPSC 120 and 121

Mathematics Qualifying Examination (MQE)

Before enrolling in Math 150A, you must either have recently passed Math 125 (Pre-calculus), or an equivalent course at another institution, or take the Mathematics Qualifying Exam. Additional information on this exam is available in the online registration guide, and from the Fullerton Testing Center, University Hall 229, and (657) 278-3838.