Student Success


Congratulations to all our students who have been accepted into professional school programs! This is just a reflection of the students most recently accepted, but since the establishment of the Health Professions office, we have recorded more than 1,750 CSUF students who have gone on to professional schools!

  • Allopathic: Jorge Ballon, Sarah Kim, Sophia Hernandez, David Eng, Sonia Kumar, Justin Hamman, Terrence Montallana, Eduardo Amezcua, Dino Mellone, Frank Ospino, Joshua Perese, Veronica Scott, Annia Au, Regina Husman, Richard Cervantes, James Peek 
  • Osteopathic: Louis Needleman, Paloma Khamly, Ramtin Khanipour, Thien Nguyen, Raquel Cornejo, Kenneth Kang, Matthew Schroeder, Jason Darr, Jason Derhovanesian
  • Physician Assistant: Michael Jenkins
  • Dentistry: Jeff Tatarin, Jonathan Hoang, Gurpreet Singh, Ramez Younis, Matthew Siracusa
  • Pharmacy: Peter Nguyen, Michael Gonzalez
  • Podiatry: Laura Tolentino
  • Optometry: Crystal Woo, Tie Crisi