Presence is important

presence by amy cuddy

Author: Mason Padjen

Date: 4/23/18

Publisher: Titan Learn

Below is an excerpt from Amy Cuddy's book explaining the importance of being present in the moment:


“Can this kind of presence help you become more successful in the traditional sense? Quite possibly. But what matters more is that it will allow you to approach stressful situations without anxiety, fear, and dread, and leave them without regret, doubt and frustration. Instead, you will go forth with the knowledge that you did everything you could do. That you accurately and fully represented yourself and your abilities. That you showed them who you really are. That you showed yourself who you really are.


There will always be new challenges, new uncomfortable situations, new roles – things that push us off balance and stoke our anxiety, forcing us to reexamine who we are and how we can connect with others. To be present, we have to treat these challenges as moments. Presence is not all or nothing. Sometimes we lose it and have to start again,and that’s okay.”


Cuddy is well known for her TED Talk presentation on the benefits of "Power Posing."

Check out the full video here.Opens in new window



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