Dr. Iris Blandón-Gitlin, Psychology


In Dr. Blandon-Gitlin's lab, undergraduate and graduate students learn how to conduct research with adults and children, to program computer software to run research tasks, to write research reports, and analyze and present data. In a current program of research investigating the effect of Oxytocin on face recognition memory, students are learning to use neuroscience methods to test theoretical models. Since the establishment of her lab in 2006, Dr. Blandón-Gitlin has mentored many students who have successfully transitioned to Masters and PhD programs as well as careers in the private sector. Her students present their work at national conferences with her support.


Ph.D. Applied Cognitive Psychology, Claremont Graduate University

Research Areas

Dr. Blandón-Gitlin’s current research program focuses on (a) the cognitive processes underlying memories for non-experienced events (false memories), (b) the effects of Oxytocin on face identification, and (c) the cognitive mechanisms underlying deception. Because her research is at the intersection of psychology and law, her work not only informs theory but also applied concerns in the criminal justice system.


  1. Blandón-Gitlin, I. & Gerkens, D. R. (in press). The effects of photographs and event plausibility in creating false beliefs. Acta Psychologica.
  2. Pezdek, K. & Blandón-Gitlin, I. (in press) Imagining implausible events does not lead to false autobiographical memories. Applied Cognitive Psychology.
  3. Blandón-Gitlin, I., Sperry, K., Leo, R.A. (2010). Jurors believe interrogation tactics are not likely to elicit false confessions: Would expert testimony inform them otherwise? Psychology, Crime and Law, 1-22, iFirst article.
  4. Segal, N.L., & Blandón-Gitlin, I. (2010) Twins switched at birth: A case from the Canary Islands. Twin Research and Human Genetics,13, 155-119.
  5. Blandón-Gitlin, I. & Pezdek, K. (2009). Children’s memory: Suggestibility, false memory, and individual differences. In Bottoms, B. L., Najdowski, C. J., & Goodman, G. S. (Eds.), Children as victims, witnesses, and offenders: Psychological science and the law, 57-80. New York: Guilford Press.
  6. Blandón-Gitlin, I., Pezdek, K., Lindsay, S.D., & Hagan, L. (2009). Criteria-Based Content Analysis of true and suggested accounts of events. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 23, 901-917.
  7. Pezdek, K & Blandón-Gitlin, I. (2009). Planting false memories for childhood sexual abuse only happens to emotionally disturbed people…not me and my friends. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 23, 162-169.
  8. Pezdek, K., Blandón-Gitlin, I. & Gabbay, P. (2006). Imagination and memory: Does imagining implausible events lead to false autobiographical memories? Psychonomic, Bulletin & Review, 13, 764-769.
  9. Pezdek, K, Blandón-Gitlin, I., Lam, S., Ellis-Hart, R., & Schooler, J. (2006). Is knowing believing? The role of event plausibility and background knowledge. Memory and Cognition, 34, 1628-1635.
  10. Blandón-Gitlin, I. & Pezdek, K., Rogers, M. & Brodie, L (2005). The effects of event familiarity on Criterion Based Content Analysis ratings: An experimental study. Law and Human Behavior, 29, 187-197.
  11. Pezdek, K, & Blandón-Gitlin, I. (2005). When is an intervening lineup most likely to affect eyewitness identification accuracy? Legal and Criminological Psychology, 10, 247-263.
  12. Pezdek, K., Morrow, A. & Blandón-Gitlin, I., Goodman, G. S., Quas, J. A., et al. (2004). Detecting deception in children: the effects of event familiarity on Criterion Based Content Analysis ratings. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89, 119-126
  13. Pezdek, K., Blandón-Gitlin, I. & Moore, C. (2003). Children’s face recognition memory: More evidence for the Cross-Race Effect.Journal of Applied Psychology, 88, 760-763.

Grants & Special Projects

Research Support

  • 2010 – CSUF, Office of Grants & Contracts, Untenured Faculty Mini-Grant ($5,000)
  • 2009- CSUF, College of Humanities & Social Sciences ($3,000)
  • 2008 – CSUF, Office of Grants & Contracts, Untenured Faculty Mini-Grant ($4,200)
  • 2008 – CSUF, College of Humanities & Social Sciences ($3,000).
  • 2007- CSUF, Office of Grants & Contracts Untenured Faculty Mini-Grant ($5,000)
  • 2007- CSUF, Department of Psychology- Institutional Research Grant— One Course Release
  • 2007- CSUF, College of Humanities & Social Sciences- One Course Release
  • 2007- CSUF, College of Humanities & Social Sciences –($3,000)
  • 2006- CSUF, Office of Grants & Contracts, Untenured Faculty Mini-Grant ($4,800)
  • 2006- CSUF, Department of Psychology- Institutional Research Grant— One Course Release
  • 2004- Haynes Foundation Dissertation Grant ($11,000)
  • 2000- American Psychological Association, Minority Mental Health Research Training Grant ($50,000)