Dr. Maria Linder, Chemistry AND BIOCHEMISTRY


B.A. in Chemistry, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie NY, 1960
PhD, Biochemistry, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 1966
Post doc, Biological Chemistry, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, 1966-1968
Post doc, Physiological Chemistry, MIT, Cambridge, MA, 1968-1970
1970-1971, Research Associate, Physiological Chemistry, MIT, Dept. of Nutrition and Food Science. 
1971-1977, Assistant and Associate Professor of Physiological Chemistry, MIT, Department of Nutrition and Food Science. 
1976-1977, Visiting Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, Cal Tech.   
1977 - Present, Associate and Full Professor of Biochemistry, Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry, California State University, Fullerton, CA.  
1992-1993, Visiting Professor, Dept. of Cell Biology, NYU School of Medicine
2004-Present, Chair, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Research Areas

Structure, function and regulation of mammalian proteins associated with copper and iron transport and storage, with particular reference to copper transport from mother to fetus in pregnancy and lactation; the mechanisms of release of iron stored in cells and its shuttling into and out of cellular proteins and compartments; nutritional biochemistry of trace elements.


  1. Linder, M.C. (2010) Nutritional biochemistry of copper, with emphasis on the perinatal period.  In: Biochemical Aspects of Human Nutrition (L. Avigliano and L. Rossi, eds.), ISBN 978-81-7895-478-3. Transworld Research Network, Trivandrum, Kerala, India, pp. 143-179, in press.
  2. Moriya, M., Ho, Y-H., Grana, A., Nguyen, L., Alvarez, A., Jamil,, R., Ackland, M.L., Michalczyk, A., Hamer, P., Ramos,, D. Kim, S., Mercer, J.F.B., and Linder, M.C. (2008) Copper is taken up efficiently from albumin and alpha-2-macroglobulin by cultured human cells by more than one mechanism.  Am. J. Physiol. (Cell Physiology) 295: 708-721.
  3. Liu, N.M., Lo, L.S.L., Askary, S.H., Jones, L.T., Nguyen, T.T.M., Kidane, T.Z., Goforth, J., Vivas, E., Tsai, M.T., Westbrook, T. andLinder, M.C.  (2007) Transcuprein is a macroglobulin regulated by copper availability. J. Nutritional Biochem. 18: 597-608.
  4. Kidane,, T.Z., Sauble, E. and Linder, M.C. (2006) In three cell types, release of iron from ferritin requires lysosomal activity.  Am. J. Physiol. (Cell Biol.) 291: C445-C455.
  5. Donley, S.A., Ilagan, B.J., Rim, H. and Linder, M.C. (2002)  Copper transport to mammary gland and milk during lactation in rats.  Am. J. Physiol. (Endoc. Metab.), 283, E667-E675.

Grants & Special Projects

  • 1985, Outstanding Professor Award, California State University Fullerton
  • 1992, Distinguished Faculty Member, Faculty Marshall, Commencement Speaker
  • 1992-1993, NIH National Research Service Award
  • 1993, American Chemical Society Award for Research at an Undergraduate Institution
  • 1994 Calif. State Univ. Program for Ed. and Res. in Biotechnology (CSUPERB), Faculty Research Award
  • 1994-1996, Camille and Henry Dreyfus Scholar/Fellow Award
  • 1995, FASEB-Burroughs Wellcome Visiting Professor Award (University of Puerto Rico, San Juan)
  • 2002 and 1995 CSUF School of Natural Science & Mathematics Faculty Research Award
  • 1996, Orange County American Chemical Society Award for Distinguished Service in Chemistry
  • 1998, Distinguished Faculty Member, School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, CSUF
  • 2007  California State University system-wide Wang Family Excellence Award for outstanding contributions to  education and research in the Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering