Mathematics Department Highlights

SMART Girls and PRIME Club

Group photo for SK Day

The SMART Girls and the PRIME Club, two clubs in the mathematics department at Cal State Fullerton, hosted the 2019 Sonia Kovalevsky Mathematics Day at CSUF on Saturday, March 9, 2019. Sonia Kovalevsky was the first modern European woman to attain full professorship in mathematics and the event held in her honor was an opportunity to engage middle school and high school girls interested in careers in the mathematical sciences. Events included a keynote address by Dr. Ami Radunskaya, President of the Association for Women in Mathematics, hands-on activity sessions that displayed the application of mathematics, and a panel of undergraduate students discussing their experiences as math majors. Students and Faculty from Cal Poly Pomona and the University of La Verne also volunteered for this event. We hope to have Sonia Kovalevsky Day be an ongoing event among these three schools that empowers young women to pursue a career in the field of mathematics.


Four volunteers at a workshop  
                                                               Four  of our student panelists, CSUF students Sonali Vyas, Breanna McBean, Jasmine Camero, and Cal Poly Student Alexa Castelazo (left to right). 
Group of students participating in an activity.
                                                                                                                                                                                                One of the student breakout sessions.


Guest speaker presenting a workshop.
Our keynote speaker, Dr. Ami Radunskaya, Professor of Mathematics at Pomona College and the President of the Association for Women in Mathematics.
Photo Credits:  Lauren Condina, Former CSUF student

Faculty Advisors of Distinction 

 Dr. Verdugo and co-nominator/student Nick.

Dr. Verdugo with student Nick Capobianco.


Three math faculty (Dr. Anael Verdugo, Dr. Roberto Soto, and Huong Fletcher) were recognized as Faculty Advisors of Distinction at the Academic And Career Advising Faculty Development Recognition Event on March 5, 2019. (Picture: Dr. Verdugo and student nominator).



Several CSUF students and faculty were involved in poster presentations that were singled out by judges for distinction. This took place at the national level, annual Joint AMS/MAA mathematics meeting in Baltimore MD during the week of January 16 - 19, 2019:

36. An Application of Abel’s Method to the Inverse Radon TransformAlexander Nolte Tufts University

  • Julie Sherman University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
  • Joseph David
  • Advisor(s): Zair Ibragimov, California State University, Fullerton

66. Gone with the Flu

  • Kristina Rosete CSU Fullerton
  • Sonali Vyas CSU Fullerton
  • Advisor(s): Roberto Soto, CSU Fullerton

67. Statistical Analysis and Geographical Clustering of Arrest Data for Los Angeles County

  • Cameron Hooper California State University, Fullerton
  • Advisor(s): David Uminsky, University of San Francisco

106. Investigating the Impact of Marijuana Dispensaries on Crime

  • Roberto Hernandez California State University, Fullerton
  • Advisor(s): Laura Smith Chowdhury, California State University, Fullerton

113. Constrained Optimization Problem with an Application to Folding

  • Jasmine Camero California State University, Fullerton
  •  Erica Ward California State University, Fullerton
  • Advisor(s): Nicholas Brubaker, California State University, Fullerton

347. Time to hamstring injury in soccer players

  • Danielle Sebring California State University, Fullerton
  • Advisor(s): Valerie Poynor, California State University, Fullerton


On January 26, Adam Glesser (Mathematics), Cherie Ichinose (Mathematics), and Marie Johnson (Dean, NSM) led a roundtable discussion, "Beyond Remediation: Promoting Student Success in GE-Level Mathematics with Course Redesign" at the 105th Annual Meeting of the Association of American Colleges and Universities, in Atlanta, Georgia.

Flyer for Common Core Math Lesson