Campus Facilities and Beautification Committee


Principal Function: The principal function of each standing committee is to investigate problems within its area of concern and to propose to the Academic Senate any policy recommendations that result from such study.

Committee Functions: To serve in an advisory capacity to the Associate Vice President of Facilities Management and the Academic Senate on the following matters:

  • The long-range campus Master Plan, major and minor capital outlay programs for the campus, and off-campus centers;
  • The review of preliminary architectural designs of major new buildings and major modifications to existing buildings;
  • The review of plans for campus roads, parking, and bicycle paths;
  • The naming of rooms and buildings;
  • The design of landscapes, plantings, and the selection and placement of public art and signage;
  • Review of matters of cleanliness and general appearance;
  • The allocation and reallocation of space;
  • Policies and criteria regarding the institutionalization and implementation of non-curricular issues of sustainability as they relate to items a. through g. above;
  • Other matters referred by the Executive Committee and/or the Academic Senate.

Meeting Schedule - Fall 2024 Semester

All meetings are from 11:00AM to 12:00PM.  To request additional meeting information, please contact the committee via the form button above. 

  • August 30, 2024
  • September 27, 2024
  • October 25, 2024
  • November 15, 2024


Committee Membership Email Department College Term Ends Spring
Mahdi Ebrahimi* mebrahimi Marketing CBE 2025
Mugdha Yeolekar myeolekar Religious Studies HUM 2025
Joyce Gomez-Najarro jgomez-najarro Literacy and Reading Education EDUC 2025
Doina Bein dbein Computer Science  ECS 2025
Jasmine Phillips jrphillips Communications CCOM 2025
Josh Grisetti jgrisetti Theatre and Dance ARTS 2026
Hope Johnson hajohnson Biological Sciences  NSM 2026
Mojgan Sami msami Public Health HHD 2026
Cotton Coslett, Chair ccoslett Library L/A/C 2026
Natalie Fousekis nfousekis History SOC SCI 2026
Sarab Singh sdsingh Interim Assoc VP – Facilities Mgmt Ex Officio  non-voting 
John Ramirez johnramirez CPFM - Facilities Management and Admin Staff (by Pres)  non-voting 
Griselda Marquez grgmarquez Total Wellness Staff (by Pres)  non-voting 
Luca Romero Student 2025
    Student 2025
Su Swarat  sswarat Sr AVP for Insti. Effect. & Planning ADMIN Exec Liaison