General Education Committee


Principal Function: The principal function of each standing committee is to investigate problems within its area of concern and to propose to the Academic Senate any policy recommendations that result from such study.

Committee Functions:

  • To study, review, interpret and recommend, in consultation with the appropriate department or college, General Education programs for approval by the Academic Senate;
  • To review and recommend the designation and classification of courses appropriate to the General Education programs;
  • To review, on a regular basis, the existing GE-designated courses to ensure continued conformity to GE classification and quality standards; and to recommend changes in GE-designated courses to the Academic Senate after consultation with affected departments and/or colleges;
  • To be responsible for the University Catalog and Class Schedule statements on General Education, including identification and classification of General Education courses;
  • To cooperate with the University Curriculum Committee and with colleges, departments and programs to seek adequate offerings of General Education courses;
  • To aid in the development, facilitation and creation of new courses and program proposals in General Education (following procedures outlined in UPS 411.100);
  • To cooperate with college deans in creating General Education Committees in colleges, departments and/or programs, and to work with such committees in order to insure proper representation in General Education policy matters.

Meeting Schedule - Fall 2024 Semester

All meetings are from 2:00PM to 4:00PM. To request additional meeting information, please contact the committee via the form button above. 
  • September 6, 2024
  • September 20, 2024
  • October 4, 2024
  • October 18, 2024
  • November 1, 2024
  • November 15, 2024 (if needed)
  • December 6, 2024
  • December 13, 2024 (if needed)


Committee Membership Email Department College Term Ends Spring
Matthieu Hoffmann matthoffmann Kinesiology HHD 2025
Zia Salim* zsalim Geography & The Environment SOC SCI 2025
Barbara Miller bmiller Library L/A/C 2025
Garrett Struckhoff gstruckhoff Civil and Environmental Engineering ECS 2025
Manya Wren mwren Marketing CBE 2025
Carol Chaffee cchaffee Biological Science NSM 2026
Erika Thomas* erthomas Human Communication Studies CCOM 2026
Calli Lewis-Chiu clewischiu Special Education EDUC 2026
Kevin Lambert, Chair klambert Liberal Studies HUM 2026
Vivianne Asturizaga  vasturizaga School of Music ARTS 2026
Amir Dabirian adabirian Provost/VPAA Ex Officio non-voting
Designee: Merri Lynn Casem mcasem AVP Undergrad. Studies & General Educ. Ex Officio non-voting
Designee: Greg Childers gchilders Director of General Education Ex Officio non-voting
Designee: Yuying Tsong yuying.tsong Student Success Ex Officio non-voting
    Student  2025
Nico Guerra Student 2025
Greg Childers gchilders Physics NSM Ex Liaison