Graduate Education Committee


Principal Function: The principal function of each standing committee is to investigate problems within its area of concern and to propose to the Academic Senate any policy recommendations that result from such study.

Committee Functions:

  • To formulate, review, and recommend policies and criteria regarding graduate curricular programs;
  • To formulate, review, and recommend policies and criteria regarding graduate courses;
  • To formulate, review, and recommend policies and criteria regarding postbaccalaureate certificate programs, education credential and postbaccalaureate credential programs;
  • To review and evaluate all existing graduate programs and proposals for new graduate curricular programs, and to make recommendations concerning additions, modifications and/or deletions, based upon criteria and procedures as specified by University policy;
  • To review and evaluate all graduate course proposals based upon criteria and procedures as specified by University policy;
  • To provide advice and support regarding graduate education on campus.

Meeting Schedule - Fall 2024 Semester

All meetings are from 2:00PM to 4:00PM. To request additional meeting information, please contact the committee via the form button above. 

  • August 30, 2024
  • September 27, 2024
  • October 25, 2024
  • December 6, 2024


Committee Membership Email Department College Term Ends Spring
John Koegel jkoegel School of Music ARTS 2025
Pratanu Ghosh* pghosh Civil and Environmental Engineering ECS 2025
Morganna Lambeth mlambeth Philosophy HUM 2025
Gordan Capp, Chair gcapp Social Work HHD 2025
Pawel Kalczynski pkalczynski Information Systems and Decision Sciences CBE 2025
Joseph Carlin jcarlin Geological Sciences  NSM 2026
Nancy Watkins nwatkins Ed Doctorate EDUC 2026
Jochen Burgtorf jburgtorf History SOC SCI 2026
Kellie Lanham-Friedman klanham-friedman Library L/A/C 2026
Cylor Spaulding cspaulding Communications/Graduate Program Coordinator CCOM 2026
Amir Dabirian adabirian Provost/VPAA Ex Officio non-voting
Aimee Nelson anelson Office of Graduate Studies Ex Officio non-voting
Sonal Mogra Grad Student 2025
    Grad Student 2025
Michele Wood mwood Public Health HHD Exec Liaison