About Working Groups
In 2016-17, a cross-campus Graduation Initiative 2025 Advisory Group, Student Success Teams and Task Forces zeroed in on short-term strategies for improving graduation rates, while laying important groundwork for long-term success. Representing a broad cross-section of our campus, four targeted work groups will grow and refine innovative programs while drilling deeper into stubborn barriers to timely graduation. All will share data, best practices, and the common mission of ensuring student success on campus, in their careers and in life.
These guiding principles power our work:
- The process will be collegial and collaborative. All aspects of our work will be permeated with the idea that every person working at CSUF contributes to student success.
- We are seeking broad-based faculty, staff and student input.
- The process will be data-driven and assessed, respectful and reflective while seeking sustainability.
- Success should not be identified as only a four-year graduation as we recognize individual differences.
- We will continue to ensure that we sustain academic rigor and integrity.
- We will ensure that we are not compromising the student experience and that our first priority is to help students graduate in a manner that is in their best interest.