Join MSI

Ariel Alvarez 

Ariel Alvarez

CSUF Alumni


MSI Has created an enviornment for me to thrive, suceed, and reach the fullness of my potential while being surrounded by a community that supports and uplifts me on a regular basis time and time again. MSI has helped me with getting job oppurtunities on and off campus, they have given me academic support through our academic advisor and by connecting me with other on campus resources. MSI has also allowed me to develop my leadership skills by pushing me to step out of my comfort zone and get involved in my community. MSI has made my college experience better than I could have ever imagined and I hope that more students like me get to benefit from this amazing resource.


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MSI is an opt in program. Each student is encouraged to actively participate in MSI-Fullerton.  By joining MSI-Fullerton students are able to receive all related resources and support services.  Among the opportunities offered to those who sign-up to join MSI-Fullerton are: Academic Counseling, Tailored Mentoring, Unique Professional & Social programs, Community Projects, Leadership Development Workshops; along with National, Regional and Local Conference Travel.