Utilizing a “One University” approach, develop “best-in-class” practices for academic, career, and personal advising that support students’ pathways to graduation, responsiveness to workforce needs, and the lifelong empowerment and success of our graduates.

This goal aligns to the following strategies in the University Strategic Plan: 1b). Institute a mandatory advisement requirement in addition to New/Transfer Student Orientation for all CSUF students.1c). Provide training and resources needed for campus units involved in advisement services and ensure a point of common access to information regarding individual academic, career and personal development plans. 1e). Provide resources for programs that increase student participation in activities and services that link degree, career and community.


  1. In partnership with Academic Affairs we will increase effectiveness, continuity and accessibility of advising services, as well as identify and improve upon best practices for advising students utilizing a strengths-based approach, especially for students who are at risk of academic probation, or come from first-generation, low-income, underrepresented or educationally disadvantaged backgrounds:
    1. Expand existing, comprehensive advising practices utilized within our special populations (e.g. Athletics, Guardian Scholars, and EOP) to other students on campus.
    2. Create a systematic method of sharing resources, best practices and policy changes on advising practices.
    3. Reinforce high expectations and standards and ongoing professional development and training for staff involved in advisement services through staff training programs on campus advising practices and resources for students at risk of academic probation.
    4. Develop an early warning system to systematically engage students less likely to graduate based on careful analysis of student retention data, including identifying early warning variables. Utilize this information to target students for proactive intrusive advising.
    5. Conduct degree audit workshops for students each term prior to the start of the registration period.
  2. Create a distinguished Cal State Fullerton student experience that emphasizes a “Map to Commencement” upon entry that combines academic, personal and career advising and resources:
    1. Implement an enhanced mandatory first-year student orientation with an emphasis on a “Map to Commencement” combining degree requirements, career paths related to particular degrees, and resources available to support effective decision-making.
    2. Expand orientation programming integrated into freshman and transfer students’ entire first year.
    3. Integrate co-curricular advising and information so that students cannot help but know about and take advantage of the various programs and resources that are available.
    4. Develop and enhance strategies and procedures to assist students in making informed choices about majors and careers early in their student experience.
    5. Support each student to create and regularly update a Personal Career Plan incorporating career, education and personal development elements in line with their chosen Map to Commencement.
    6. Develop a skills-based electronic portfolio to house the Personal Career Plan, the Titan Pride Record, the Titan Degree Audit, and related documents, enabling access by all appropriate faculty and staff in addition to the student.
  3. Create a Transfer and Re-entry Student Task Force to identify priority advising and other needs of this student population. Expand and enhance the Transfer Center to provide comprehensive support to prospective, and pre-matriculated students who constitute about half of the new students annually.
    1. Conduct needs assessment to determine appropriate services and programs for students, with special attention to transfer, adult re-entry and non-traditional students (i.e., weekend, evening programming).
    2. Establish after-hours advisement services and resources for students.
    3. Institutionalize innovative ongoing advisement services to meet the needs of traditional, transfer and reentry students.
  4. Create an environment in which Cal State Fullerton Student Affairs is nationally known for providing student-centered information via a customer-service orientation for students, staff, faculty and community:
    1. Define what customer-service means on a daily basis and implement a strong customer service orientation with students, staff, faculty and community.
    2. Establish student-friendly communication systems for admissions requirements, university policies and campus resources to assist students from pre-enrollment through graduation in making appropriate and timely decisions and effectively utilizing existing services and resources.
    3. Develop coordinated internal strategic communications campaign directed at students to increase level of awareness of available opportunities and University resources.
    4. Extensively leverage electronic and social media tools in support of this campaign.
    5. Explore the development of a customized Titan Success Tablet and/or mobile application that support and integrates various calendar and planning functions for academic, personal, and professional success.
    6. Collaborate across the Division to create various tools, materials and training to assure that all staff has the necessary generalist knowledge and skills to provide referrals for various programs and services for all current and prospective students. This includes creating a referral listing of campus resources for staff and faculty.
  5. Increase and enhance coordination of pre-collegiate outreach and college readiness efforts that help students, especially those who come from first-generation, low-income, underrepresented or educationally disadvantaged backgrounds access higher education—all with the purpose of reinforcing access and diversity along the higher education pipeline.
  6. Develop and execute a nationally recognized University-wide employer outreach campaign to engage employers in paid internship sponsorship, hiring, and career education activities, responding to changing professional workforce needs and expectations.
  7. Create renowned community engagement opportunities that include internships, service learning, civic engagement, and off-campus paraprofessional experiences working with local schools, community-based organizations, and other non-profits to exceed student and community needs.