Students in front of the Titan Student Union

Welcome to the Auxiliary Services Corporation

CSU Fullerton Auxiliary Service Corporation (ASC) was incorporated on October 26, 1959 as a nonprofit public corporation for the purpose of promoting and assisting the educational mission of Cal State Fullerton. In fulfilling its mission, the ASC employs over 900 people as it performs a variety of services throughout the campus community. Specifically, it oversees commercial operations; educational grants and contracts for the University; is responsible for the fiscal administration for numerous University programs; acquired College Park to provide additional offices and classrooms for the University; and administers University Gables.

About the ASC

In 1959, CSUF created the Auxiliary Services Corporation (ASC) to oversee various enterprises on campus, including the bookstore, food services and programs developed to administer faculty/university research grants. ASC leverages the University's ability to develop and create programs, purchase land/buildings, and provide needed services vital to the functioning of the campus.

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Strategic Plan

The ASC will continue to support Cal State Fullerton's investment in its future by providing innovative services while keeping revenues on campus.

ASC Strategic Plan



The CSUF Auxiliary Services Corporation (ASC) is a non-profit public corporation that was incorporated in 1959 for the purpose of promoting and assisting the educational mission of Cal State Fullerton.