Robert A. Koch

Contact Information

Office: MH 166

Phone: 657-278-2638


Robert A. Koch

Professor and Acting DEpartment chair, Electrical Engineering



PhD, Florida State University

MS, Florida State University

BS, Eckerd College

Research Areas

Cell biology and ultrastructure of ascidian gametes during fertilization

Courses Regularly Taught

Cellular Basis of Life, Biology of Aging, Introductory Electron Microscopy, Advanced Topics in Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy, Advances in Cell Biology



Garrett, F.E., S. Goel, J. Yasul, and R.A. Koch.1999. Liposomes fuse with sperm cells and induce activation by delivery of impereant agents. Biochim. biophys. acta 1417: 77-88.


Butler, D.M. , K.M. Allen, F.E. Garrett, L. Lauzon, A. Lotfizadeh, and R.A. Koch. 1999. Release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores and entry of extracellular Ca2+ trigger sperm activation. Dev. Biol. 215: 453-464.


Koch, R.A., K.M. Allen, J. Kim, and A. Lotfizadeh. 2001. Cell signaling in ascidian sperm: Upstream and downstream of internal calcium release. In: The Biology of Ascidians (ed., Sawada, Yokosawa and Lambert), Elsevier, pp.30-35.