Walker Laboratory Logo with pictures of various invertebratesWelcome to my lab's website at California State University, Fullerton. Currently, I am Professor and Department Chair in the Department of Biological Science. I did my undergraduate work in Chemistry and Biology at The University of Texas at Tyler and went on to do my M.S. and Ph.D. in the Zoology Department at Miami University. There, I worked on spider ecology and evolution in the lab of Dr. Ann Rypstra. My post-doctoral work focussed on cricket behavior and alternative male strategies and was conducted with Dr. Bill Cade at the University of Lethbridge located in Alberta, Canada. Feel free to browse and find out more about me, my research, and my students.

In my lab, we are broadly interested in the biology of terrestrial arthropods. My primary research interests are in the cognitive, evolutionary and behavioral ecology of reproduction. However, I have spent time dabbling in community ecology, physiological ecology, and have a keen interest in functional morphology, geometric morphometrics, statistics, and individual based modelling.