Wellness Coaching


What to Expect Working with a Life Coach

Are you struggling with Stress, Anxiety, Sleep, Time Management, Life Balance, or a general feeling of overwhelm?

Here at CAPS we want you to know you are not alone.

Working with a Wellness Coach can help you choose the areas of life you are struggling with by working 1:1 at building resilience to better manage stress, learning self-care techniques, self-reflection, and breaking through the barriers that stop you from being the BEST you.

Your Coach will initially meet with you to help you get familiar with which areas you would like to focus.

The following meetings will focus on your progress, areas that have shown improvement, and which areas may need more attention.  You and your coach can take the time necessary to ensure positive changes.

If you feel meeting with a Wellness Coach would benefit your well-being on and off campus, you can reach out to CAPS at (657) 278-3040 to schedule a 45 minute appointment.