2007-2009 Catalog
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College of Business and Economics

Classroom scene

Anil Puri


Mark Hoven Stohs

Joni Norby

Robert Miyake, Academic Advisement
Emeline Yong, Student Affairs

Langsdorf Hall 700
(714) 278-2592


"Welcome to the premier public university business school in Orange County. Our impact stems from our immense presence in the region and strong links to the economic progress of the area. As California’s largest AACSB-accredited business school, the college prepares an unmatched number of graduates for success in the workplace, and our faculty, staff and students work with business leaders to advance the fortunes of businesses in Orange County and southern California."

Dean Anil K. Puri
College of Business and Economics

Vision Statement
We will be the choice of Southern California’s businesses and governments for college graduates, business solutions and professional development.

Mission Statement
We create and apply knowledge that transforms student lives, develops business leaders who shape the regional economy and advances the intellectual capital of our diverse region.

The College’s educational program instills in our vast corps of graduates core business knowledge and flexible critical thinking and motivation, thereby putting our students in a position to contribute to the success of regional business. As the only Orange County business school with AACSB accreditation in Business Administration and Accounting at both the undergraduate and graduate level, we provide:

A practical and applied curriculum. When students receive their diplomas, they will be able to quickly translate their education into a good job and success in the workplace. Students and alumni of our program are “ready to work” and prepared to make contributions to their organizations from their first days on the job.

A global perspective. Students gain an international perspective from a culturally and ethnically rich student body, a diverse faculty and global academic and business community partners.

State-of-the-art technology. Students will keep pace with e-commerce and evolving business information systems through a mix of educational tools, instructional technology and technological partners.

Value. By being affordable, accredited and practical, the College defines value in education and keeps pace with today’s economy.
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Accountancy, Master of Science

Business Administration, Bachelor of Arts
   Business Economics
   Entertainment and Tourism
   Information Systems
   Management Science

Business Administration, Minor

Business Administration, (M.B.A)
   Business Economics
   Information Systems
   International Business
   Management Science

Economics, Bachelor of Arts

Economics, Minor

Economics, Master of Arts

Information Systems, Minor

Information Systems, Master of Science Decision Sciences
   Decision Sciences

Information Technology, Master of Science

International Business, Bachelor of Arts

Taxation, Master of Science

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Students at computer terminal


Algebra and geometry are necessary for many required business courses. The equivalent of three years of high school mathematics, including a second course in algebra, is the prerequisite for the required Math 135 Business Calculus. Students without the necessary background should enroll in Math 115 College Algebra.

Business students are encouraged to take courses in sociology, psychology, anthropology, speech communication, political science, history, philosophy, geography and foreign languages. Many courses in these fields may be used to meet general education requirements. For the international business degree, intermediate level competency in a foreign language, equivalent to Foreign Language 204 courses, is prerequisite to the required concentration courses. It is strongly recommended that students planning to major in international business complete a minimum of three years of foreign language study while in high school.

Undergraduate Program Advising
Langsdorf Hall, Room 731

The Business Advising Center serves business administration, economics and international business majors. Information is available on admissions, curriculum and graduation requirements, as well as on registration and grading procedures, residenceand similar academic matters. Transfer students must see an adviser immediately regarding transfer credit. For information on general education, consult the Academic Advisement Center.

Graduate Program Advising

Langsdorf Hall, Room 700

Graduate advisers provide academic advising for the graduate programs in accountancy, business administration, information systems and taxation. Information is available on admissions, curriculum and graduation requirements, as well as on registration procedures, residence and similar academic matters. For information on admission, curriculum and graduation requirements for the M.A. in Economics, see the graduate program adviser in the Economics department.

Students should also consult the faculty advisers for the programs in accountancy, information systems and taxation.

Students should see an adviser as soon as possible regarding transfer credit. College level courses successfully completed at another college or university may be applied toward the requirements of the CBE subject to the approval of the appropriate department chair. Lower division courses that are equivalent in content and level and are completed at an appropriately accredited institution with a grade of “C” (2.0) or better may be considered. Upper division transfer courses will be considered if the course is (a) equivalent in content and level, (b) completed with a grade of “C” (2.0) or better, and (c) taught in an AACSB International accredited program. Exceptions require thorough documentation evidencing the above standards. Lists of approved equivalent courses from local community colleges are available in the Business Advising Center. All other courses are subject to approval by the department chair concerned. In these cases, the student must supply catalog descriptions, course outlines and textbook titles. Courses taken in the extension division of another university, or by correspondence, are generally not acceptable.

Students may earn academic credit, first-hand work experience and financial remuneration as well. Opportunities exist in accounting and auditing; cost-benefit analysis and econometrics; finance and real estate; insurance and banking; management and industrial relations; marketing, sales and advertising; and business data systems. For more information, consult the internship adviser in your department or in the Center for Internships and Service Learning.

The Business Administration Honors Program offers to highly motivated students the opportunity to take enriched coursework in the foundation areas of the business major. Courses in the honors program are smaller in class size, provide challenging learning experiences, individual attention from selected professors, and closer interaction with other similarly motivated students.

Students in honor sections are encouraged to develop and discuss ideas in an active, imaginative and original way. Professors contribute by making creative use of curricular materials and student assignments. Students interact personally and intensively with their faculty and classmates. In addition, students are given the opportunity to be partnered with a corporate executive mentor and be given special assistance in securing an internship during the senior year. Business Administration students with 45 or more units who have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.5 are eligible to enter the Honors program. Students must maintain a 3.4 or higher grade point average in order to remain in the program. Students in good standing in the Business Administration Honors program shall receive registration priority into designated honors sections.

Recognition for Honor Students
Students who successfully complete the requirements of Business Administration Honors program shall have an appropriate notation placed on their permanent record and shall be awarded a Certificate of Honors upon graduation.

For additional information, please contact the Business Advising Center, Langsdorf Hall 731, (714) 278-2211.

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Chapters of the following national honor societies have been established on campus with membership open to qualified students: Beta Alpha Psi (Accounting), Beta Gamma Sigma (Business) and Phi Kappa Phi (all majors). In addition, there are the following clubs/organizations which students are encouraged to join: Accounting Society (AS), American Marketing Association (AMA), Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP), Delta Sigma Pi (DSP - Professional Business Fraternity), Economics Association (EA), Finance Association (FA), Future Business Leaders of America – Phi Beta Lambda (FBLA-PBL), Global Trade Alliance (GA), Latino Business Student Association (LBSA), MBA Association, Real Estate Association (REA), Society for Advancement of Management (SAM) and Young Entrepreneur Society (YES). Students can also participate in the Business Inter-Club Council (BICC), the coordinating board for all the business clubs and organizations. The Council provides resources and assistance to the club representatives and enforces guidelines and procedures for governance and registration. This Council interacts with other campus government boards.

Stephen J. Barres Leadership Award
Dean’s Advisory Board Awards
College of Business and Economics Alumni Scholarship
Executive Council Outstanding Student Award
Faith Guthrie Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Alan A. Mannason MBA Scholarship
Samuel Mendoza Memorial Scholarship
Professor for a Day Scholarship
Theodore H. Smith Outstanding Graduate Student Award
Frank P. Stanek Continuing Junior Scholarship
Kathleen Taylor Business Scholarship
Francisco J. Valle Scholarship
Yokohama Tire Corporation Scholarship

For more awards listed under each department, please refer to www.fullerton.edu/financialaid/scholar/baebody1.htm. For further information and application information, please contact the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs at 714-278-4577.


Dean’s Scholars Program for Outstanding Incoming Freshmen
Designed to welcome the best and brightest students to the College of Business and Economics, the Dean’s Scholars Program recognizes the outstanding achievements of incoming freshmen who have demonstrated excellence in academic work, leadership ability and community service. Awardees receive a four-year scholarship that covers California State University enrollment fees as long as they maintain eligibility for the program. Up to four awards are granted each fall. For further information and application information, please go to www.business.fullerton.edu/StudentServices/deanscholars.htm or call the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs at 714-278-4577.

Michael A. Reagan Graduate Scholarship
for Outstanding Incoming Graduate Students

The Michael A. Reagan Scholarship is awarded each semester to newly admitted graduate students in the College of Business and Economics who have demonstrated academic excellence in their undergraduate studies. Recipients of these $4,000 non-need based scholarships receive this one-time award disbursed in two installments over consecutive semesters. Applicants to the MBA, MS in Accountancy, MS in Information Systems, MS in Information Technology, MS in Taxation and MA in Economics with outstanding undergraduate academic records are encouraged to apply. Multiple awards are given in both fall and spring semesters. For further information and application information, please go to www.business.fullerton.edu/graduateprograms/costs/Scholarships.htm or call the Graduate Programs Office at 714-278-3622.

The CSUF Information Technology in the Library and the CBE Satellite Computer Laboratories in McCarthy Hall are available for student use. Computer facilities are generally available evenings and weekends during the school year.

Information on degrees is located in the following department and program listings:
   Accountancy, M.S.
   Taxation, M.S.
Business Administration:
   Business Administration, B.A.
   Business Administration, Minor
   Business Administration, M.B.A.
   Economics, B.A.
   Economics, Minor
   Economics, M.A.
International Business:
   International Business, B.A.
Information Systems and Decision Sciences:
   Information Systems, M.S.
   Information Technology, M.S.

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Cal State Fullerton Administrative Web site of Academic Programs, Cal State Fullerton Editor, catalog@fullerton.edu ©2007 Cal State Fullerton. All rights reserved