Cybersecurity Education Principles

The center works to develop and maintain a top-notch curriculum in cybersecurity. Our cybersecurity education philosophy is characterized by the following principles:

Security by Design

Years of practice have compellingly shown that viable security solutions start with secure designs. Our pedagogy embodies this principle. The courses we offer emphasize the role of security shaping the overall system design as much as usability, economy, and other considerations.

Interdisciplinary education

A successful security professional must have a firm grasp of the hardware, software, and mathematical principles that underlie security solutions and understand the role of cybersecurity in business, government, and other facets of society. The center curriculum is designed by faculty from computer science, engineering, businesses, and other academic backgrounds as well as industry experts, whose perspectives helps ensure that future security professionals have the skills and knowledge they need to succeed.

High-Impact educational practices

Association of American Colleges & UniversitiesOpens in new window  has concluded that learning activities such as student involvement in research and internships go a long way in helping students get the most out of their educational experiences. The center strives to emphasize this by focusing on learning security through hands-on exercises, the involvement of students in research, and internships.

Security literacy for all

Quite routinely, non-security experts make decisions which impact the security of individuals and organizations. Therefore, all technical professionals must understand the fundamentals of security. Toward this goal, the center strives to ensure that all technical courses at CSUF that do not explicitly focus on security, discuss the relevant security issues.

Focus on Ethics

Cybersecurity is a field with tremendous impacts on individuals, organizations, and the global community. The center works to ensure that future security experts make socially responsible decisions that are in line with the highest ethical standards.