Titans of Transformation: Big Ideas Solving Real Challenges


Titans of Transformation welcomes Big Ideas from faculty and staff


Titans of Transformation presents an opportunity for the College of Engineering and Computer Science to connect our expertise and our desired impact with the ways in which we can create positive change in our community and society.

What is a Big Idea?

Big Ideas should:

  • Transform the College
  • Require philanthropy to achieve excellence
  • Align with existing strengths/priorities
  • Link to fundamental societal

Big Ideas are not:

  • Solely defined by a capital project
  • An interesting idea that is narrow in scope and more operationally focused
  • Based on a single naming opportunity

Consider: Where do we excel? Where can we go big? What will define us?


Titans of Transformation Request for Proposals

You can submit your Big Idea using the Request for ProposalsPDF File document. The proposal summary should be 2-pages, single-spaced, and address each question listed. RFPs should be submitted to Nicole Bailey at nbailey@fullerton.edu by March 6, 2020 at 5:00 pm.



January 6, 2020 Big Ideas Submission Process Opens
March 6, 2020 Big Ideas Submission Process Closes 5:00 pm
April 1, 2020 Submissions Reviewed by Selection Committee
May 1, 2020 Top Big Ideas Submitted to Dean Barua
June – August 2020 Donor Feasibility Testing
Ay 2020-2021 Big Ideas Launch

*Dates subject to change

Would you like to discuss your Big Idea? We are happy to connect with you and schedule a 30-minute huddle to talk about your idea further. Please contact Michael Karg, mkarg@fullerton.edu to set up a time to develop your Big Idea.