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Sean J. Loyd

Associate Professor
Department of Geological Sciences
California State University, Fullerton


Loyd Lab Research Overview

Our research primarily focuses on the geochemistry of carbonate minerals with particular emphasis on microbial mediation. To explore carbonate mineral precipitation (authigenesis) we utilize a broad spectrum of analyses including sulfur phase (carbonate-associated sulfate and pyrite) and sulfur isotope compositions, trace metal contents, carbon, oxygen and clumped isotope compositions. Specific projects that I work on or have worked on include: 

Paragenetic evolution and precipitation mechanisms of salt dome cap rocks

Constraining formation temperatures of cold seep carbonates and concretions through clumped isotope analyses

Identification of microbial processes that mediate mineralization of carbonate concretions and their modern analogs in marine sediments

Evaluation of the chemistry of the Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic oceans

Drivers of hot spring and alkaline lake carbonate mineral formation


Students! Interested in carbonate geochemistry? Feel free to contact me regarding research and masters degree opportunities.

green river concretion