Spring 2016

Task Force Members

Amir Dabirian - Vice President for Information Technology/CIO
Kristin Stang - Interim Assistant Vice President, Faculty Support Services
Su Swarat - Director, Office of Assessment and Educational Effectiveness
Deanna Leone - Executive Director, Retention Cluster Initiatives
Matthew Badal - Administrative Analyst, Information Technology


Faculty Mentors

Prasada Rao - Engineering & Computer Science
Ioakim Boutakidis - Health & Human Development
Cherie Ichinose - Natural Science & Mathematics
Bonnie Williams - Humanities & Social Sciences
Robert Gass - Communications


College of the Arts

3D Design - Bryan Cantley
Modern Dance II - Alvin Rangel-Alvarado
Jazz Pedagogy - Charles Tumlinson

Mihaylo College of Business and Economics

Professional Career Development - Olga Di Franco
Advanced Business Communication - Michael Collins
Marketing Information Technology - Catherine Atwong
New Venture Creation and Funding - John Jackson

College of Communications

Event Planning and Management - Waleed Rashidi
Public Speaking - Collette Blumer, Stephanie Todd, Denise Frye
Essentials of Argumentation - Collette Blumer
Student-to-Student Tutorials - Erika Thomas
Forensics - Erika Thomas
Intercollegiate Forensics - Erika Thomas
Directing Forensics - Erika Thomas
Independent Study - Erika Thomas
Counseling Skills in Communicative Disorders - Ying-Chiao Tsao

College of Education

Introduction to Elementary Classroom Teaching - Amy Cox-Petersen & Terri Patchen

College of Engineering and Computer Science

Introduction to Computer Science - Abhishek Verma
Object Oriented Programming - Natasha Anderson
Structural Steel Design - Uksun Kim, Joel Lanning
Computer Design and Organization - Kenneth Faller
Microcontroller - Jidong Huang
Thermodynamics - Chean Chin Ngo
Fluids & Thermal Laboratory - Salvador Mayoral

College of Health and Human Development

Inquiry and Methodology in Development - Pam Oliver
Practicum Seminar in Child/Adolescent Development - Dallas Stout
Personal Health - Dara Vazin, Jordan Aquino
Program Design in Kinesiology and Health Promotion - Michele Wood

College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Beginning College Writing - Daniel Sadnik, Donna Middleton, Emily Wagner, Edward Yoo

College of Natural Science and Mathematics

College Algebra - Amanda Henning, Phillip Ramirez
Precalculus - Jolene Fleming, Jeffery Miyahara
Precalculus FP - Jolene Fleming
Precalculus FC - Ketan Shah