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Chemistry and Biochemistry

Our chemistry and biochemistry students become leaders in undergraduate and master’s level research, working with faculty experts to ask questions and discover solutions to complex problems.

Degrees and Non-Degrees

Bachelor's Degrees

  • Chemistry, B.A.
  • Biochemistry, B.S.
  • Chemistry, B.S.

Master's Degrees

  • Chemistry, M.A.
  • Chemistry, Analytical Concentration, M.S.
  • Chemistry, Biochemistry Concentration, M.S.
  • Chemistry, Inorganic Concentration, M.S.
  • Chemistry, Organic Concentration, M.S.
  • Chemistry, Physical Concentration, M.S.


  • Chemistry

Student researcher loads samples into machine

WHY CHOOSE CSUF Chemistry and Biochemistry

Chemistry and biochemistry students become successful professionals, scholars and leaders as they conduct research alongside faculty mentors who are experts in their field.


Our chemistry and biochemistry department has an impressive record of student success. Our alumni go on to study in prestigious graduate programs, conduct research or establish careers at such companies as Johnson & Johnson and Kaiser Permanente.

Possible career paths:

  • Chemical engineer
  • Forensic scientist
  • Hazardous materials manager
  • Medical doctors and physicians
  • Patent lawyer


For more information about career paths:    Contact Us

  • Pharmacist
  • Research scientist in a government, industrial or academic lab
  • Science writer
  • Technical sales expert
  • Teacher