The Division of Student Affairs and each department will execute state-of-the-art assessment efforts aligned with the University and Division Strategic Plan that include multiple measures to assess learning outcomes, satisfaction, opportunities for program improvement and contribution to achieving the University and Divisional Strategic Plan.

This goal aligns to the following strategies in the University Strategic Plan: 2d). Establish accountability metrics at the division, college, department, and program levels to ensure progress on retention and graduation rate strategies.


  1. Re-engineer existing Division-wide assessment effort to assure effective focus, processes, integrity, alignment, metrics and outcomes. Some assessment efforts should be standard across various departments and the Division:
    1. Create integrated Division-wide and Departmental five-year, outcomes-focused assessment plans, outlining key assessment initiatives, timelines and metrics.
    2. Develop Departmental annual outcomes-focused assessment plans, including the selection of key outcome indicators, timelines for data gathering and analysis and program improvement objectives.
  2. Create Cross-Divisional assessment initiative in collaboration with Academic Affairs, focused on creating a University-wide assessment process that aligns with University Strategic Plan, especially the advising, workforce, and retention initiatives:
    1. In collaboration with Academic Affairs, establish a baseline profile of the general skills, major focused knowledge and skills, and other professionally related attributes required for effective performance of our graduates in the workforce by systematically engaging key employers to identify their skill and knowledge requirements; and assess the extent to which these skills are incorporated in the intended learning outcomes associated with the University’s general education requirements, program curricula and the co-curricular experiences of students.
    2. Tracking the performance of our graduates in the workforce compared to employer expectations.
    3. Implement an annual undergraduate First Destinations Survey process to understand the employment and graduate school experiences of our graduates, and their feedback on the effectiveness of our programs and services.
    4. Assess the extent to which existing and new initiatives impact student retention and graduation rates, including narrowing the gap for underrepresented students.
  3. Create additional ways to communicate assessment results to tell the story of student success at CSUF in multiple formats and venues.
  4. Utilize assessment results in determining resource allocations for programs.