
For close to 30 years, there has been an organic, dedicated, and passionate group of staff and faculty at California State University, Fullerton (CSUF), that have assisted undocumented students in their daily pursuit of a higher education. 

In spring 2008, then Vice President for Student Affairs, Dr. Robert L. Palmer, and then Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Ephraim Smith, created an AB 540 Student Services Committee in response to concerns involving undocumented CSUF students.  This committee was comprised of faculty, staff, administrators, and matriculated students who were familiar with the challenges facing undocumented and AB 540 students.  The committee examined a host of critical issues including the admissions process, access to programs and services, retention and graduation to name a few, and developed a set of recommendations to improve the campus climate.  Since then, the committee was renamed the AB 540 Task Force, and has continued to meet to evaluate campus policies and disseminate information to the campus community when working with and serving undocumented students.

Shortly after her arrival in July of 2012, Vice President for Student Affairs, Dr. Berenecea Johnson Eanes began meeting with student groups to facilitate a campus-wide discussion around the role of cultural centers in supporting student success. The development of a center for undocumented students was one of many needs articulated by students during these conversations. The resulting Dream Center is one of many on-going efforts in the reinvigoration of all the cultural centers on campus. A Vision Committee was created and began meeting in November 2013 to draft a vision, mission, and multi-year goals of what is now the Titan Dreamers Resource Center.  

The Titan Dreamers Resource Center (TDRC)—located on the second floor of the north side of the library—is a place of scholarship, support, and advocacy.  On April 23, 2014, CSUF made history among institutions of higher education as it took a public stance in support of undocumented students, who now have a safe and engaging place to call home.