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Welcome to the U-RISE Program

Undergraduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement (U-RISE)


The U-RISE Program at Cal State Fullerton aims to recruit, retain, and prepare promising undergraduate students with various lived-experiences, students from socioeconomically-disadvantaged background, and students with physical disability or neurodiverse, to successfully pursue a career in Biomedical Science research. 


We recruit undergraduate students who are interested in Biomedical Research career (PhD or MD-PhD). If you are interested in applying to the program as part of the two-year cohort, we accept applications in early spring. If for example you have 1.5 years left instead of 2 years, you are encouraged to submit an application. Please contact the U-RISE Director via email if you have any questions regarding the application process.

U-RISE Events: Seminars and Workshops

  • Our Visiting Scientist seminars were held in the fall and spring of 2023. Click here for seminar details. The next seminar will be in fall 2024.
  • Faculty Mentor Development workshop for spring was held on Apriil 26, 2024 (Friday) from 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM at Gordon Hall (GH) Rm 336. Click here for details.
  • Faculty Mentor Development workshop for fall was held on October 13, 2023 (Friday) from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM. Click here for details.

For inquiries about the program, please email us: 

The U-RISE at Cal State Fullerton is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institute of General Medical Sciences grant number 5T34 GM149493-02

Institutional support is provided by the Office of Research & Sponsored Programs, and the colleges of Natural Sciences & Mathematics, Humanities & Social Sciences, Engineering & Computer Science, and Health & Human Development