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Writing Across the Curriculum LIAISONS

Mission Statement

Supported by a WAC LIAISONS Advisory Board representing CSUF’s eight Colleges, the WAC LIAISONS program connects writing and A.I. pedagogies to improve student writing and learning, to support faculty efforts to teach with writing, and to create a campus culture that values the ways writing can enhance learning.


2024 Student Writing Mentorship Award Winners

Congratulations to Dr. Parvin Shahrestani and Dr. Jaya Dofe

Read more on the Student Writing Mentorship Award page!

What is WAC? What is LIAISONS?

WAC stands for Writing Across the Curriculum. LIAISONS highlights WAC’s commitment to connecting writing and AI pedagogies. Click the button below to watch a recording of a Feb. 8, 2024 webinar introducing the WAC LIAISONS program (1 hour).  Begin at minute 3 to skip the meeting-start grace period and polling.

Intro to WAC LIAISONS Webinar Recording


Click the button to read details about CSUF's WAC history and accomplishments and WAC's transition to WAC LIAISONS. Or scroll down to explore professional development, writing resources, or campus writing requirements.

WAC History and Accomplishments

Professional Development

To support faculty efforts to teach with writing and AI, WAC offers a variety of professional development opportunities including workshops, certificates, special guests, travel grants, and departmental services. Click below to learn more.

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Writing & AI Resources

WAC has many partners that support faculty and student writing, including the Writing Center, the Faculty Development Center, and the University Learning Center, as well as online resources to access at your convenience.  Click below to learn more.

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Campus Writing Requirements

Students should always consult with their major advisors to see what course or courses fulfill the Upper Division Writing Requirement (UDWR) in their major; a course approved for the UDWR in one major may not be approved for another major.  That said, WAC maintains a list of courses that have been certrified to meet this requirement. Click below to learn more.

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Contact: Dr. Leslie Bruce, Faculty Fellow
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm
Location: GH 435
Phone: 657-278-3155

WAC LIAISONS is located in Gordon Hall (formerly University Hall), Room 435.

Campus Map

Mailing Address:
California State University, Fullerton
800 North State College
P.O. Box 6850
Fullerton, CA 92831


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