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Alumni Services

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As a CSUF graduate, the Cal State University Fullerton Career Center can assist you through your professional career. Whether you are looking for support or you are looking to give back to CSUF students, we can help.

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Alumni Association Members

Free access to select CSUF Career Center services:

NOTE: If you graduated prior to 2008 and do not have a CWID or portal access, contact to request access.

Alumni who graduated prior to 2008 with a Lifetime Membership but do not have portal access to Titan Connection, please reach out to the Career Center at 

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Alumni Career Services

Recent CSUF Alumni

Recent graduates have access to all Career Center Services for a full year after graduation. 

Alumni who graduated in 2008 or later, you can use your portal credentials to access Online Career Center Services except for Titan Connection.

Alumni Association members receive access to select career center services including Titan Connection with exception of in-person services (Appointments: Virtual or Face-to-Face).

To join the CSUF Alumni Association, visit

(NOTE: Joining the Alumni Association does not grant access to In-Person Career Center Services like Appointments (Virtual or Face-to-Face). Career Center Services are only available to Students within 1 year of graduation regardless of membership with the Alumni Association).

Alumni Resource: Orange County Workforce Solutions

Reciprocal Career Services

CSU Reciprocity

Current CSU students & alumni from other CSU campuses must bring a document, such as a diploma, transcript, or current course list that verifies status at one of the 23 CSU campuses.

This can be used to access career services that do not require a counselor including:

  • Career planning workshops and programs
  • Printed career information
  • Online career services that do not require a CSUF login
  • Does not include remote access to job postings

For CSU students and alumni (within one year of graduation) the CSUF Career Center does offer one-time reciprocal services in the form of resume/cover letter review, mock interview and quick job search assistance if College Career Specialists schedule permits. This does not include access to job postings. To access the one-time reciprocal services, CSU students and alumni must request a reciprocity letter from their institution’s career center and submit it to the CSUF Career Center. The reciprocity letter should outline name, degree program, graduation date and the need for services. 

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Help a Titan

CSUF Alumni - Thank you for your interest in volunteering to assist the Career Center! Contact the Career Center to help us in the following ways:

  • Panel Presenter
    Share your experiences and perspective on wide ranging topics that students want to hear about most. From career advice to industry know-how, alumni panelists provide a unique perspective that resonates with CSUF students. Panel presentations are a great way to bring your message directly to students, and a perfect excuse to return to campus for a visit!
  • Professional Insight
    Provide one-on-one advice for students looking for guidance. Activities include informational interviews, resume review, mock-interviews, and industry or academic mentoring. By volunteering, you provide the opportunity for a student to contact you for this purpose. Interviews and mentoring may take place in person, by phone or email.
  • Conduct a Workshop
    Give us the scoop! Host or co-host a workshop on topics such as resume writing, interviewing, networking, and more. Ensure that students stay up-to-date with vital information about the workplace. We rely on you to keep us current on industry practices to help students succeed.
  • Other
    Do you have a unique career resource we haven't thought of?  Let us know and let's work together to leverage it on the behalf of the Titan community.

Contact us 657-278-3121 and ask for any member of our Employer Relations Team.

Hire a Titan

Post a job/internship

Titan Connection is CSUF’s online job board that your organization may post opportunities on at no charge.

On-campus recruiting

Coming to campus to recruit CSUF students is a great way to get noticed and connect with students. The Career Center would be pleased to tailor our services to meet your specific needs.

Explore ways to recruit CSUF students

Contact us 657-278-3121 and ask for any member of our Employer Relations Team.

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