Message from the Chair
The Mechanical Engineering faculty and staff welcome you to the Mechanical Engineering Program at California State University, Fullerton. The main goal for the faculty and staff in the Department of Mechanical Engineering is to provide you with the best possible education. The Mechanical Engineering Program at Cal State Fullerton is one of the best in Orange County. We offer both the Bachelor of Science and the Master of Science degrees. We proudly offer courses that match the current needs of our industrial partners that in turn will increase the marketability of ME graduates.
The Mechanical Engineering faculty members hold doctorates from prestigious universities and have extensive academic and industrial background. The CSUF faculty is committed to combine the best qualities of teaching and research, while working in close collaboration with students to expand their knowledge. Our professors are always accessible for advising and mentoring students both inside and outside the classrooms.
I encourage you to meet with the Department Academic Advisor to plan your first semester’s courses and set up a study-plan to ensure your timely graduation. Please use this opportunity to discuss your professional goals with the advisor and ask any questions you might have about our Program. You can reach us by phone at (714) 278-3014, or by e-mail at The ME Department Office is located in the Engineering Building, room E-100.
We are excited that you have chosen Mechanical Engineering as your career and CSUF as the place to pursue it.