Letter to the Emeriti

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to all of you - new and continuing members of the CSUF Emeriti. The Emeriti Association offers a number of activities during the academic year. These include a luncheon hosted by the president of the university honoring Emeriti and Benson scholarship awardees, and a luncheon at the end of the academic year hosted by the Morningside Retirement Community in Fullerton

Emeriti Officers and Board Members include our president, our vice president  (who is responsible for emeriti programs), our secretary, our treasurer,  our immediate past president, our scholarship committee chair,  our representative to the academic senate, our webmaster, and several at large members including our representatives to the State Council of the California State University Emeritus and Retired Faculty and Staff AssociationOpens in new window .

Our Webmaster maintains an email list that is uses to send announcements and news of interest to our members.

For many years the University annually published and mailed to all emeriti members a copy of the Emeriti Directory, which listed contact information for our members. However, owing to rising costs for printing and mailing, we no longer provide a printed Emeriti Directory. The current Emeriti Directory is available as a pdf file upon request to our webmaster.

A brief reminder: Emeriti annual dues are a modest $25Opens in new window per academic year. In addition a lifetime membership is available for a single payment of $250Opens in new window .  Tax-deductible donations to our endowment funds, which provide Emeriti Scholarships and support for the Library are always welcome. Learn more at http://www.fullerton.edu/emeriti/endowments.

Finally, I'd like to encourage all Emeriti members to consider joining the statewide CSU Emeriti group - the California State University Emeritus and Retired Faculty & Staff Association - CSU-ERFSAOpens in new window .  Membership is open to all CSU Fullerton retirees.  CSU-ERFSA is dedicated to representing the interests of CSU emeritus and retired faculty and staff in Sacramento.  Dues are modest, and 15% of the dues of Fullerton members is returned to our local Emeriti Association to help support our programs.

We look forward to seeing you at any and all of our upcoming opportunities.

All the best and be well,

Paul Miller, President