Recent Emeriti News

(Send news items to for inclusion.) See the CSU-ERFSA "newsbox" at the right (or above) for links to news of interest to all emeriti.  Members who have moved or changed their email address recently are encouraged to send their new information to so that we can update our records. New Emeriti Center Telephone Number 657-278-7737.

Owing to increasing printing and mailing costs the Emeriti Directory no longer is being mailed to emeriti. A copy of the latest Emeriti Directory in pdf format can be obtained by contacting our webmaster 

Our first in-person event in more than a year took place on November 5, 2021. President Virjee hosted a luncheon at the Fullerton Arboretum honoring our Emeriti and Benson scholarship awardees and their families. Ten of our 12 awardees were able to attend in person along with members of their families. Each awardee received a $2,000 scholarship.

This year's awardees were:
Graduate Students:
Chelsea Bowers - Master of Science - Biological Sciences (President’s Honorary Emeriti Scholarship awardee)
Eriberto Garibay - Master of Social Work
Brenton Jenkins - Master of Science - Education (Instructional Design & Technology)
Heriberto Olive - Doctor of Education - Educational Leadership (Pre K-12)
Brandon Quintana - Master of Science - Biological Sciences
Madina Shahryar - Master of Science - Education (Special Education)
Undergraduate Students:
Isabel Alba (Sr.) - Bachelor of Arts - Business Administration (Human Resource Management)
Christian Alva (Sr.) - Bachelor of Music - Music (Jazz and Commercial)
Sarah Brletich (Jr.) - Bachelor of Arts - Psychology
Hunter Troxel (Sr.) - Bachelor of Science - Civil Engineering
Ryan West (Jr.) - Bachelor of Science  - Biochemistry
Katie Van Gorder (Jr.) - Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry
2021 Emeriti Scholarship Awardees

2021 Emeriti and Benson Scholarship Awardees
(Picture courtesy of Patrick O'Donnell, University Photographer Emeritus)

Additional pictures from this event are available on our Emerti photo siteOpens in new window .

In late September webmaster Mark Shapiro provided a virtual presentation to our Emeriti (and members of our statewide retirees group CSU-ERFSA) entitled "The Chemistry and Physics of Climate Change." This presentation was recorded and is available to the public on YouTube at in new window .

Donations to the Emeriti Scholarship fund are always welcome. To make a donation via credit card or check please use this linkOpens in new window .

(Note: Your donation may be tax deductible. Consult your tax advisor for details.)


In Memoriam

A complete list of deceased Emeriti is available in the Emeriti Directory, which is provided to all members annually. Here we list those members of the Emeriti who passed  away after the publication of the 2021 Emeriti Directory.

David C. Grimes, Music Lecturer, Emeritus
David O. Thorsen,
Professor of Music, Emeritus
Robert A. Lemmon,
Professor of Special Education, Emeritus
Julie E. Thomas Stokes,
Professor of African-American Studies, Emeritus
Thomas E. Maher,
Professor of Management, Emeritus
Martha S. Vogeler,
Professor of English & Comparative Literature, Emeritus
Julie E. Thomas Stokes,
Professor of African American Studies; Director, African American Resource Center, Emeritus
Paulina June Pollak,
Professor of English & Comparative Liturature, Emeritus
Zena Pearlstone,
Professor of Art, Emeritus
William Haddad,
Professor of History, Emeritus
Lon McClanahan,
Professor of Biological Sciences, Emeritus
Fraser Powlison,
Associate Professor of Teacher Education, Emeritus
Anita I. Tyra,
Professor of Accounting, Emeritus
Kathleen M. Walker,
Administrative Support Coordinator 1 Budget Planning & Strategy, Emeritus
Ernest Dondis, Professor of Psychology, Emeritus