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Graduate Equity Fellowship

Graduate Equity Fellowship grants range from $500 to $2,000 per year. This program seeks to increase the diversity of students completing graduate degree programs at the CSU, encourages continuation toward doctoral programs, and promotes consideration of university faculty careers. It provides fellowships for economically disadvantaged CSU students who have had success in overcoming educational disadvantages and promotes faculty mentoring and research opportunities. To apply for a Graduate Equity Fellowship, you must:

  • Be a California resident or have an AB540 affidavit on file with your CSU campus;
  • Be admitted to a CSU campus and to a graduate program as a classified or conditionally classified student;
  • Complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California Dream Act Application (CADAA);
  • Have financial need of at least $1,000;
  • Enroll at least half-time in an eligible graduate degree; and
  • Demonstrate potential to succeed in graduate school and to complete a graduate degree program in no more than two years as evidenced by undergraduate coursework and letters of recommendation.

Deadline:       Please check back soon for Fall 2024 award details.

How to Apply:

  1. Complete this APPLICATION FORM by the deadline.
  2. Have one faculty member complete this RECOMMENDATION FORM.