Latino Medical Student Association

The goal of LMSA Plus is to recruit and retain Latino and Under Represented Minorities (URM) into health professions careers.  Our goal is to create an intimate environment where each Latino and URM student can feel a sense of belonging and learn about health care issues affecting the growing Latino community.


To unify all Latino medical students into one organization
To provide a voice for underrepresented medical students
To actively promote recruitment and retention of Latino students at all levels
To educate medical students on Latino health issues
To advocate for the rights of Latinos in health care 
To provide leadership opportunities for Latinos 
To promote volunteerism in the Latino community

Join the LMSA!

We have the Tools to HELP YOU succeed!

  • MCAT Resources
  • Mock MMIs
  • Medical School Admissions
  • Pre-Medical Conferences
  • Networking and Mentorships
  • Research and Community Service

Contact Information

Meeting Dates

Weekly Thursday Meetings at 4 pm via Zoom