Appointment Information

The Health Professions Advising Office has changed location as of 08/21/2024. We are now located in Pollak Library, PLN-1 North East Side near the Writing Center. We are excited to welcome you to our new space!

Welcome to the Health Professions Advising Office (HPAO). Our office advises current Cal State Fullerton students (undergraduate, post-baccalaureate, and graduate), CSUF alumni, and prospective students (transfer and high school) on topics related to health professional school prerequisites, major choice, personal statement, mock interview, and extracurricular involvement. Current students and alumni can make appointments through their TitanNet account. Prospective students please email for more information. 

Office hours
Day Time Options
Monday 8 AM-5 PM In-Person, Zoom, Phone
Tuesday 8 AM-5 PM In-Person, Zoom, Phone
Wednesday 8 AM- 5 PM In-Person, Zoom, Phone
Thursday 8 AM-5 PM In-Person, Zoom, Phone
Friday 8 AM- 5 PM Zoom/Phone