Student Health Professions Association

The Student Health Professions Association (SHPA) at California State University, Fullerton (CSUF) is dedicated to informing the students of CSUF about the opportunities available in the various health professions. SHPA is a great place for students who aren't quite sure of which profession they want to enter, to join. The invited speakers range from long term practicing professionals to students who have just entered a health profession graduate school (as well as admissions committee members). By having an array of speakers, the members are exposed to multiple aspects of the various health professions. Furthermore, the club provides volunteer opportunities for students to get involved in the community, campus life, American Red Cross blood drives, and work closely with the Health Professions Advising office which is dedicated to assisting students in getting admitted to health profession graduate schools.

Mission Statement

The name of this organization shall be the Student Health Professions Association at California State University, Fullerton. The purpose of this organization is to provide a forum for those having the desire to gain insight, wisdom, and knowledge required to become a health professional.   The Student Health Professions Association (SHPA) at California State University, Fullerton (CSUF) is dedicated to informing the students of CSUF about the opportunities available in the various health professions.

Furthermore, SHPA at CSUF provides an opportunity for CSUF students to be involved in: community volunteer work, semi-annual Red Cross Blood Drives, and campus life.

Working closely with the Health Professions Advising Office at CSUF, SHPA also assists students with the process of entering a health profession school.

Lastly, SHPA was founded by students and is solely dedicated to providing a quality information and aid to those students who are interested in a career in the health professions.


Please visit our FAQs


Membership Benefits

  • List your membership on professional applications
  • Reimbursement for conferences through ICC
  • SHPA Medal upon graduating
  • Apply for the Goodhue-McWilliams scholarship which is only available to SHPA members
  • Access to SHPA Titanium and resources
  • Minutes (notes taken at every meeting)
  • Past minutes since 2010
  • Special emails not available to non-members (e.g. Health Professional Tours, minutes, etc.)

Leadership Benefits

  • Free membership and T-shirt
  • Leadership skills that you can list on your centralized application
  • Expand your connections
  • Close relationship with the Health Professions Advising Office
  • Guaranteed SHPA Medal upon graduation (must be in good standing with the club)
  • Build public speaking skills, organization skills, etc.

Contact Information

Meeting Dates

Thursdays 4 pm-5 pm via Zoom