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Admission to University Honors Program

The University Honors Program offers students an academically enriching experience, while at California State University, Fullerton. Students join a community of other high achieving students who are committed to academic excellence, creativity, and critical thinking.

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Priority Deadline for Spring 2025: October 1, 2024

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Admission Criteria for New First-Year Students 

  • A 3.6 weighted GPA in college preparatory course work in grades 10, 11, and the first semester of your senior year



For New First-Year Students

Admission Criteria for Current Students/ New Transfer Students

  • A 3.5 cumulative GPA in community college course work for transfer students.
  • A 3.5 cumulative GPA at CSUF for current students.




For Current CSUF/New Transfer Students

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  • Academic Resume
    • At the end of students’ academic career, you will graduate with University Honors and Distinction, great features of an academic resume.
  • Small Class Sizes and Preparing for the Future
    • Students have the opportunity to take small, discussion-based courses of the Honors curriculum and work on a Senior Honors Project with a faculty mentor, which can be a great example of your academic accomplishment for graduate program applications or as a professional portfolio for future employment.
  • Priority Registration, Advising and Workshops
    • Honors students have special honors advising, priority registration, and workshops throughout the year to support your academic and personal development.
  • Making Meaningful Connections
    • Honors consists of a lively, diverse, and intellectually engaged community of students, with whom you connect in and out of the classroom.
    • Social and learning activities sponsored by the Honors Program as well as the Honors Student Advisory Council, which provides additional leadership opportunities.
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If you have a question about Cal State Fullerton or the University Honors Program, you may contact us at:

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