A Day in the Life of an OA

May 3, 2018   by LaTianna Wallace, Social Media Intern

What's Up Titans?!

The end of the semester is only two weeks away!

I am super excited for summer and I hope many of you are too! So, because summer is vastly approaching, I wanted to create a fun video for the blog that is also informative. 

Many are familiar with Resident Advisors (RA) and their duties, but they dont understand what an Office Assistant's (OA) role is in our housing community. If I had a dollar for how many times I was asked what is an OA...I would have a lot of dollars! But, dont you worry. I am happy to bring to you all a short video called "A Day in the Life of an OA."

This video was directed and recorded by no other than our Senior Office Assistant of Marketing and Branding, Erin Serfass and features your very own Social Media Intern. 

If you like the video and want to see more cretive video content, Let us know! Tweet, DM, Facebook Messgae, Like Comment, Subscribe and all that other fun stuff! 

Now, I present to you, "A Day in the Life of an OA." Click Here to watch now!