GOAL 1: Student Success

Empower students, faculty, and staff with technology-based solutions that promote curricular and co-curricular success
(Aligned with University Goals 1 & 2)

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Strategic Plan Progress


2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

1)In partnership with the Division of Academic Affairs, implement a campus‐wide assessment system for use in accreditation and measurement of university program effectiveness

1A In collaboration with the Division of Academic Affairs, implement a university–wide assessment application for all colleges to utilize, using the "CampusLabs Software" (WASC requirement)

Compliance Assist rolled out 2014-2015.
Assessment Reporting

1B The Division of Information Technology will continue to assist the Office of Assessment and Educational Effectiveness in support of their operations

Compliance Assist rolled out 2014-2015.
  On Track On Track Completed

2) In partnership with Student Affairs and Academic Affairs, develop HIPs designation and tracking system

2A Develop a new process to implement HIPs on campus, in collaboration with the Provost, Deputy Provost and Vice President for Student Affairs


2B Create a HIPs video promoting High Impact Practices at Cal State Fullerton

HIPs videos are completed and available to view.

2C Continue presentations across campus regarding the CSUF HIPs process

All presentations have been completed, and all education materials have been distributed.
  On Track On Track On Track

2D Identify six colleges to roll out the HIPs pilot for Fall 2015

First phase of pilot application is complete and rolled out. The technology utilizes the iFullerton app, mobile devices and iBeacons (device proximity censors).

2E Update the HIPs Matrix in collaboration with the Deputy Provost and Director of Assessment and Educational Effectiveness

On Track On Track On Track show / hide extra info

2F The design of the iFullerton App for HIPs is complete and will be implemented in the next three months;

iFullerton app was used in pilot program. Continue to work with faculty and program leaders to refine iFullerton app and technology in the classroom for their us.
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2G The design of HIPs in PeopleSoft tracking is in the final stages and will be implemented in the next six months

HIPS Grading for Curricular and CO-Curricular, CO-Curricular Transcript planned deliverables has been moved to next year, and is currently in progress.
On Track Cancelled  

3) Partner with the Division of Student Affairs to develop the co‐curricular transcript record of official HIPs student engagement/co‐curricular activities

3A Systems Development of Student Engagement Activities Application

Get Involved web site for tracking of self-reported and verified CO-Curricular Activies including TITAN Pride Record. This work will be replaced by TitanLink (CollegiateLink). 
Old Titan Involvement Center | New TitanLink
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3B Development of a new student co‐curricular transcript will be implemented and rolled out with the HIP Tracking System

Co-curricular transcripts have been implemented and rolled out with the tracking system.
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3C Purchase CollegiateLink from CampusLabs for Student Engagement/Co‐Curricular Activities Application

Purchased completed and rolled out Fall 2015. Data integration with PeopleSoft Campus Solutions completed.
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3D Integrate and Implement CampusLabs CollegiateLink module for Fall 2015 Implementation

The new Collegiate Link is implemented.
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3E Identify new methods of data gathering for co‐curricular activities

Data gathering methods for co-curricular activities have been updated.
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4) In partnership with the Divisions of Academic Affairs and Student Affairs, integrate, enhance and standardize campus‐wide advising tools

4A  In collaboration with the Division of Academic Affairs, upgrade existing degree audit system

DARS upgraded to new u.achieve application for degree audit report, Titan Degree Audit (TDA). Released Fall 2015. Titan Degree Audit Tutorial
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4B In collaboration with the Advisement Task Force, integrate the advising applications

integrated u.achieve TDA with Student Titan Advisors Network (TAN) Working on implementation of u.direct planner.

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4C Continue to enhance the Student Success Dashboard

On going enhancements including Grade Distribution Dashboard with SOQ data and Enrollment Waitlist Dashboard. Will release to Chairs Spring 2016.

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5) Expand the early warning system to provide early warning of impending academic difficulty and facilitate student referral or support

5A Develop the technology systems for the campus early warning system

Education Advisory Board (EAB) Student Success Collaborative configured and integrated data feeds from PeopleSoft Campus Solutions.

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5B The rollout of the early warning system will be scheduled by Academic Affairs and Student Affairs

Continued rollout of EAB by college.
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5C Train the College of Business and identify success markers

EAB Team provided onsite training of EAB and the development of success markers in the Student Success Collaborative system. Success Markers provide early alert warnings based on student degree progress.
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5D Rollout the early warning system to other colleges

Continued rollout of EAB by college.
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6) In partnership with the Divisions of Academic Affairs and Student Affairs, expand the current Student Success Dashboard and business analytics

6A Student Success Dashboard waitlisting and class GPA features have been completed and the rollout to the campus will be scheduled by Academic Affairs

Grade Distribution Dashboard with SOQ data and Enrollment Waitlist Dashboard.  Will release to Chairs Spring 2016.
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6B Academic Roadmaps are being reviewed for input into the u.Direct planner system

Academic Road Maps were updated on 3/25/16 to Academic Programs Office by Colleges.
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Last Published 2/8/23

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