Build and expand agile and secure technology infrastructure to provide reliable, effective and sustainable services (Aligned with University Goals 1, 2, 3 and 4)

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2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

1) Develop a multi-layer highly available cloud infrastructure plan.

1A Implement cloud storage for faculty, staff and students.

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1B Migrate Exchange to the cloud

Currently performing feasibility study. Plan to pilot Division IT archive in the cloud.
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1C Migrate campus web sites to a public cloud

Researching and assessing multiple cloud providers.
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1D Migrate the campus Sharepoint instance to Office 365.

Testing CMS sites in Office 365.
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1E Backup, retention, restore sensitive data capability.

Purchased and implemented a data protection disk backup appliance.
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1F Integrate campus infrastructure with a public cloud provider.

Scheduled for the 2016-2018 years.
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2) Develop a multi-year WiFi and network expansion plan for optimal coverage and capacity throughout the campus.

2A Upgrade annually Wireless controllers to increase wireless coverage and capacity

Controllers are updated to the current version.
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2B Upgrade wireless access points to the latest wireless standards and speeds

Access Points are updated to the current version.
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2C Double wireless capacity on general use and departmental classrooms

Scheduled in the 2016-2017 year.
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2D Increase outdoor wireless coverage and capacity

Scheduled for the 2016-2018 years.
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2E Upgrade network Infrastructure

Refreshing CSU wide CNI (Common Network Initiative) standard switching and routing equipment.
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3) In collaboration with the Office of Risk Management develop an IT disaster recovery plan.

3A Setup the initial disaster recovery site at CSU Sacramento

Disaster Recovery site is operational.
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3B Install IT mission critical services at the disaster recovery site

IT mission critical services have been installed.
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3C Develop a failover schedule and execute failover tests

Unit failover testing was performed. The schedule is being developed.
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3D In collaboration with the Office of Risk Management identify additional applications that need to be setup at the disaster recovery site

Application setup scheduled for the 2016-2017 year.
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4) Assess the information security gaps and develop and implement measurement and improvement processes.

4A Integrate current CSU policy with new ISO 2700x standards

Schduled to continue as updates come out.
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4B Develop plan to implement PCI compliance when using 3rd party networks

On track for the 2016-2017 year.
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4C Implement a multi-factor authentication mechanism to support secure access across Virtual Private    Network Access and System Administrative Users

Piloting duo security multi-factor authentication.
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4D Implement extend and enhance security training for campus IT technical staff

Currently on track and scheduled for updates in the 2016-2017 year.
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5) Expand the early warning system to provide early warning of impending academic difficulty and facilitate student referral or support.

5A Implement a network segment to support credit card activity

Working with Admin & Finance to gather requirements.
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5B Implement an online reporting tool to support alumni demographics and potential donors

Online reporting team implemented. Currently building reports.
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6) In partnership with the Divisions of Academic Affairs and Student Affairs, expand the current Student Success Dashboard and business analytics.

6A Install and implement a new recruitment platform for faculty by Summer 2015

Titan Recruit has been completed and implemented.
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6B Install and implement a new recruitment platform for staff

Gathering requirements for staff recruitment.
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Last Published 4/8/22

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