
    1.  D. M. Bichara, A. Guiro, A. iggidr, D. Ngom:  State and Parameter Estimation for a Class of Schistosomiasis Models, Mathematical Biosciences, DOI: 10.1016/j.mbs.2019.108226, 2019 [pdfPDF File ].
    2. D. M. Bichara: Effects of migration on vector-borne diseases with forward and backward stage progressionOpens in new window , Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems -- Series B, DOI: 10.3934/dcdsb.2019140, 2019 [pdfPDF File ].
    3. D. M. Bichara: Global Analysis of Multi-Host and Multi-Vector Epidemic ModelsOpens in new window , Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 475, No. 2, 2019 [pdfPDF File ]
    4. D. M. Bichara, A. Iggidr and L. Smith: Multi-stage Vector-Borne Zoonoses Models: A Global AnalysisOpens in new window , Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, DOI 10.1007/s11538-018-0435-1, 2018 [pdfPDF File ]
    5. D. M. Bichara and A. Iggidr: Multi-Patch and Multi-Group Epidemic Models: A New FrameworkOpens in new window , Journal of Mathematical Biology, DOI 10.1007/s00285-017-1191-9, 2017 [pdfPDF File ]
    6. C. Castillo-Chavez, D. Bichara and B. R. Morin: Perspectives on the role of mobility, behavior, and time scales in the spread of diseasesOpens in new window , Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 113 (2016) 4582-14588 [pdfPDF File ].
    7. D. M. Bichara and C. Castillo-Chavez: Vector-borne diseases models with residence times - a Lagrangian approachOpens in new window , Mathematical Biosciences, 281, 128–138, 2016 [pdfPDF File ].
    8. D. M.  Bichara, S. A. Holechek, J. Velázquez-Castro, A. L. Murillo and C. Castillo-Chavez: On the dynamics of dengue virus type 2 with residence times and vertical transmissionOpens in new window , Letters in Biomathematics, Vol. 3, No. 1, (2016), 140–160 [pdfPDF File ].
    9. V. M. Moreno, B. Espinoza, D. M. Bichara, S. A. Holechek and C. Castillo-Chavez: Role of short-term dispersal on the dynamics of Zika virus in an extreme idealized environment Opens in new window , Infectious Disease Modelling, (2016) [pdfPDF File ].
    10. C. Castillo-Chavez, K. Barley, D. M. Bichara, D. Chowell, E. Diaz Herrera, B. Espinoza, V. Moreno, S. Towers and K. E. Yong: Modeling Ebola at the Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Institute (MTBI)PDF File Opens in new window , Notices of the AMS, Vol. 63, No 4, 2016.
    11. B. Espinoza, V. Moreno, D. M. Bichara and C. Castillo-Chavez: Assessing the Efficiency of Movement Restriction as a Control Strategy of EbolaOpens in new window , In Mathematical and Statistical Modeling for Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases, Editors: Gerardo Chowell and James M. Hyman, Springer, 2016 [pdfPDF File ]
    12. D. M. Bichara, Y. Kang, C. Castillo-Chavez, R. Horan and C. Perrings: SIS and SIR epidemic models with virtual dispersal and residence timesOpens in new window , Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, (2015), 77,  2004 [pdfPDF File ].
    13. D. M. Bichara, N. Cozic and A. Iggidr: On the estimation of sequestred infected erythrocytes in Plasmodium falciparum patientsOpens in new window , Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Vol 11, 4, 2014 [pdfPDF File ].
    14. H. D Toro Zapata, A. G Caicedo Casso, D. M. Bichara, S. Lee: Role of active and inactive cytotoxic immune response in human immunodeficiency virus dynamicsOpens in new window , Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives,5(1):3-8, 2014.
    15. D. M. Bichara, A. Iggidr and G. Sallet: Global analysis of multi-strain SIS, SIR and MSIR epidemic modelsOpens in new window , Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, Vol. 44, pp. 273-292, 2014 [pdfPDF File ].
    16. D. M. Bichara: Étude de modèles épidémiologiques: Stabilité, observation et estimation de paramètresOpens in new window , PhD Thesis, University of Lorraine, (2013).
    17. P. Adda and D. M. Bichara: Global Stability of SIR and SIRS models with differential mortalityPDF File Opens in new window , Inter. Jour. of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 80, No 3, pp. 425-433, 2012.


Technical reports

  1. C. Mohanakumar, A. E. Offer, J. Rodriguez, B. Espinoza, V. Moreno, F. Nazari, D. Bichara, C. Castillo-Garsow: Mathematical Model for Time to Neuron Apoptosis Due to Accrual of DNA DSBsPDF File Opens in new window , Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Institute, July, 2015.
  2. J. Burkow, A. Singh, V. Valle, J. Velazquez, D. Padilla, J. Renova, L. Arriola, D. Bichara: A Model for Stripe Rust Growth with Two Fungicidal EffectsOpens in new window , Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Institute, July, 2014.
  3. J. Tapia, D. Bichara: Political Recruitment via Television Ads in a Two-Party SystemOpens in new window , Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Institute, July, 2014.










