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MSTEM Scholars Trained in Aging Research

The MSTEM STAR Program at California State University, Fullerton is committed to training the next generation of diverse, aging-focused scientists. Through the combination of specialized academic coursework, hands-on research opportunities, and mentorship, the program not only prepares students for advanced degrees but also positions them to be influential contributors in addressing the complex challenges of an aging population. 

Funding Source: National Institute of Aging (NIH) [R25AG076390]


Choosing the MSTEM STAR program at California State University, Fullerton offers several compelling advantages, particularly for students passionate about aging research and seeking a career in the MSTEM (Medicine, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields. This program is not only about strengthening your academic profile; it is also about preparing you for a future as a leader in science and technology, especially in the important area of aging research. The MSTEM STAR program also recognizes the unique challenges faced by underrepresented students and is carefully designed to provide its students the essential support required for overcoming commonly identified barriers in MSTEM fields, thereby fostering an inclusive educational environment. At the end of the program, MSTEM STAR students are equipped with a strong foundation in aging science and are well-prepared for master's and doctoral degrees in various MSTEM fields. Our graduates are proficient in integrating knowledge of aging into various disciplines.


Small cohorts that allow for personalized attention in the classroom and a sense of community.


Individualized mentoring in research, education, and graduate school preparedness.


Four semesters of paid research experience with a faculty mentor at CSUF.


A paid summer internship at one of our partner institutions.